INTACH Scholarship 2019 : Indian National Trust for Art & Cultural Heritage Academy

Organisation : Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) Heritage Academy
Scholarship Name : INTACH Scholarship 2019
Application Last Date : 30th November 2018.
Website :

INTACH Heritage Scholarship

Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage invites scholarship applications for the year 2018-19.

Related : ACU Catherine McAuley Scholarship 2018 :

The structure of INTACH is organised around the following aspects related to art and cultural heritage
** Architectural Heritage
** Natural Heritage
** Material Heritage
** Intangible Cultural Heritage
** Conservation Training and Capacity Building
** Heritage Tourism
** Heritage Education and Communication
** Craft, Community and Heritage

Scholarship Category

INTACH launched a major international Research Scholarship Programme under three categories

UK Scholarship

INTACH offers scholarships to the UK citizens to enable them to travel to India and to follow in India any course of study, research which will be beneficial to either or both countries.

** Only persons of the UK nationality and domiciled and normally resident in the UK are eligible.
** Scholarships are offered up to a maximum of INR 500,000/-

Research Scholarship

INTACH offers scholarships to support advanced research in the field of heritage conservation in India.

** Only persons of Indian nationality and domiciled and normally resident in India are eligible.
** Scholarships are offered up to a maximum of INR 300,000/-

Capacity Building Support

INTACH offers special scholarships to its staff and members towards building their capacities as individual professionals, or the Chapter or Division within which they are working.

** Only persons of Indian nationality and domiciled and normally resident in India are eligible.
** Scholarships are offered up to a maximum of INR 100,000/-

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the INTACH Scholarship 2019.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of INTACH Heritage Academy provided above.
Step 2 : Then read the instructions carefully and download the application form from the official website

or you can directly download it from below mentioned link

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : It is important that the application must be filled clearly since the decision/ interview will be based on the information provided in the form and in the Statement of Purpose written by the applicant.

Step 4 : The complete application form should be submitted to the following address or email it to Ms Shruti Kumar at admin.iha [AT]

71 Lodhi Estate,
New Delhi 110003,


The enclosures should include
1. Sample of previous research/ project work
2. A set of press clippings (photographs, if applicable)
3. Two references from people who are familiar with your work (in original)
4. Proof of educational qualifications (photocopies)
5. A curriculum vitae

Research Proposal

Please take great care over this section as it will be very influential in reaching a decision about your application.

Use separate A4 sheets, if you wish and state clearly the following
** The aims, objectives, methodology and potential outcomes of your proposed research/ study
** The specific area on which you want to concentrate
** Where you want to research/ study and why?

** Describe how you intend to use your newly acquired understanding/ experience when you return to the UK/ professional institution/ INTACH Division or project
** Estimated statement of expenses/ budget for your research

Guidelines :

Key Points

** Scholarships may be paid towards the cost of travel within India, modest subsistence allowance and in some circumstances payment of fees or expenses to approved institutions

** Successful applicants must submit to INTACH on completion of their research a report on the outcomes of their research and study visit.
** The research has to be completed within a period of one year starting March 2019.

Selection Procedure

Decision/ Interviews will be taken in late January/ early February. The applicants who are required to come for the interview will be informed 15 days before the interview.

Contact/ Helpdesk

If you have any queries please feel free to contact Mr Navin Piplani, Principal Director, IHA.
Tel : +91 11 24627371;
Email : pd.iha [AT] © 2022

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