: 2015-16 Scholarship For Top Class Education For Students : Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

Organization : Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
Scholarship Name : Scholarship For Top Class Education For Students With Disabilities 2015-16
Applicable For : Students With Disabilities
Applicable States : All India
Application Last Date : 31st August 2015

Website :
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Scholarship For Top Class Education For Students With Disabilities 2015-16:
The Scheme aims at recognizing and promoting quality education amongst Students with Disabilities by providing full financial support.

The scheme will cover Students with Disabilities (SwDs) for pursuing studies at the level of Post Graduate Degree or Diploma in any discipline.

The scheme will operate in all institutions notified by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment as institutions of excellence. The list of such institutions is enclosed at Annexure I(A).

Conditions of Eligibility:
(a) A citizen of India,

(b) A person with disability having not less than 40% disability and having a disability certificate issued by any competent medical authority.

(c) Having selected and got admission in any of the notified institutions for pursuing a full-time course at the level of Post Graduate Degree/Diploma according to the norms prescribed by the respective institution. Scholarship under this scheme shall not be admissible for pursuing distance-learning/part-time/week-end courses under any stream.

(d) The candidate is not receiving any other scholarship under any scheme of the Government of India.

(e) Income Ceiling of parents/guardians: Total income from all sources of the candidate and/or his/her parents/guardians, shall not exceed Rs.6,00,000/- (Rupees six lakh only) per annum, (excluding such allowances as are not treated as part of total income for the purpose of income tax). A copy of latest tax-assessment as well as latest monthly salary slip from the employer is also required to be enclosed with the application.

(f) Two children in a family – Not more than two disabled children of the same parents/guardians will be eligible and to this effect a self-certification will be required from the candidate. Provided, more than two children of the same parents can be allowed in case the second/third children are twins.

(g) One time award – The awardee cannot be considered for the award for second or subsequent times as the individual can be awarded only for once

Number of Scholarships and Reservation for Girls:
a) Number of scholarships to be sanctioned every year is 160 (one hundred sixty only) which will be distributed among all the States and Union Territories of India. The no. of slots available to any State/UT is decided on the basis of percentage of population of PwDs of that State/UT in comparison to the total PwD population of India as per the data of Census 2011.

Provided that in case the numbers of scholarships so allocated to a State/UT are not fully utilized, due to non-availability of eligible candidates, the unutilised slots shall be allocated amongst the other States/UTs where the number of eligible candidates is much more than the slots allocated to that State/UT.

b) 50% of the total scholarships available each year shall be reserved for female candidates. However, in case adequate number of girl candidates are not available or not found eligible as per the terms and conditions of the scheme, the unutilised slots can be utilised by selecting suitable male candidate

Procedure of Application and Selection :
a) The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities will announce the details of the scheme and invite applications by issuing an advertisement in the leading newspapers and through the websites and other media outfits. Applications will be called for through the National e-Scholarship Portal, an on-line scholarship management program developed by Department of Electronics & Information Technology for this purpose.

b) The applicants should submit their application through the on-line system within the last date prescribed for receipt of applications. All requisite documents like photograph, proof of age, disability certificate, income certificate of the parent, etc. duly filled in the prescribed format will be required to be uploaded in the said scholarship portal.

c) The Institute in which he/she is studying shall forward the application through the portal to the Education/Disability Welfare Department of the State Govt. concerned after doing the necessary verification of the facts contained in the application like age, date of birth, Disability certificate, recognition of the course, fees received etc. The State Education/Disability Welfare Deptt. shall carry out necessary prudence check including recognition of the Institute concerned and forward the application with their recommendation to the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities.

d) Final selection will be done by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities based on the recommendations of the State Govt. considering, inter alia, the no. of slots available to that particular State. The no. of slots available to any State is decided on the basis of percentage of population of PWDs of that State in comparison to the total PWD population of India as per Census 2011.

e) In case a candidate is a permanent resident of one State but studying in another State, his application will be considered under the slot of his home State and his application needs the recommendation of the Education/Disability Welfare Department of the State of which he is a permanent resident

Mode of Disbursal of Scholarship:
The scholarship amount will be disbursed by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities through Direct Benefit Transfer method through a designated bank direct to the bank accounts of the selected candidates. However, the non-refundable fees payable by the beneficiary shall be remitted to the Institute in which he/she is studying subject to the limit prescribed in the scheme in case the student has not paid such fees to the Institute, otherwise, such fees paid by the student shall be reimbursed to him or her. © 2022

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