National Overseas Scholarship For Students : Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

Organization : Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
Scholarship Name : National Overseas Scholarship
Applicable For : Students with Disabilities
Applicable States : All India

Website :–for-students-with-disabilities.php
Scheme Details

National Overseas Scholarship for Students with Disabilities:
The scheme of National Overseas Scholarship for Students with Disabilities has been launched with the objectives of providing financial assistance to the students with disabilities for pursuing studies abroad at the level of Masters’ Degree and Ph.D. Twenty (20) scholarships are to be awarded every year out of which six are reserved for women candidates. The scholarship amount includes Maintenance Allowance, Contingency Allowance, Tuition Fees, and Cost of Air Passage etc. The said scheme has been launched in the year 2014-15. In addition to the above, there is a “Passage Grants” to two Students with Disabilities every year. Only those Students with Disabilities who are in receipt of a merit scholarship for Post Graduate Studies, Research or Training abroad (excluding attending seminars, workshops, conferences), from a foreign government/ organization or under any other scheme, where the cost of passage is not provided, shall be eligible. The Passage Grant includes to-and-fro air-fare from home-station to the Institute abroad by economy class through Air India.

The Scheme:
The Scheme provides financial assistance to the students with disabilities who are finally selected for pursuing Master’s level courses and Ph.D abroad in the following specified fields of study:-
a) Engineering & Management;
b) Pure Sciences & Applied Sciences;
c) Agricultural Science & Medicine;
d) Commerce, Accounting & Finance and
e) Humanities, Social Science & Fine Arts.

No. of Scholarships:
Twenty (20) awards per year are available under the Scheme.

Women Candidates:
As the endeavor is to encourage women candidates, therefore, out of the total of twenty scholarships six scholarships for each year shall be earmarked for women candidates. However, in case adequate number of women candidates are not found available as per the stipulations of the Scheme or found unsuitable for selection by the Selection Committee, then the unutilized slots are to be utilized by selecting suitable male candidates.

Minimum Qualification:
For Ph.D. :
First class or 55%(fifty five per cent) marks or equivalent grade in relevant Master’s Degree. Preference would be given to the experienced candidates, especially to those who are on lien with their existing post and employer.

For Masters’ Degree:
55%(fifty five per cent) marks or equivalent grade in relevant Bachelor’s Degree. Preference would be given to the experienced candidates, especially to those who are on lien with their existing post and employer.

Below 35(Thirty Five) years, as on first day of the month of the advertisement of the scheme.

Income Ceiling:
Total income from all sources of the employed candidate or his/her parents/guardians, shall not exceed Rs.6,00,000/-( Indian Rupees six lakh only) per annum, (excluding such allowances as are not treated as part of total income for the purpose of income tax) as certified by the employer. A copy of latest tax-assessment as well as latest monthly salary slip from the employer is also required to be enclosed with the application

Two Children In A Family And One Time Award:
Not more than two disabled children of the same parents/guardians will be eligible and to this effect a self-certification will be required from the candidate. The awardee cannot be considered for the award for second or subsequent times as the individual can be awarded for once.

Selection Procedure:
The Scheme will be advertised in the newspapers giving summarized information about the Scheme. The candidates shall after assessing their eligibility and suitability, as per conditions of the Scheme, apply to Department of Disability Affairs (employed candidates through proper channel), in the prescribed application form which will form a part of the advertisement. The last date of receiving applications will also be mentioned in the advertisement.

Thereafter, all applications received up to the last date of receiving applications, as notified in advertisement, will be put before the Screening Committee. The candidates short listed by the Screening Committee will be required to present themselves for personal interview before the Selection Committee. The merit list prepared, on the basis of assessment of individual candidates, by the Selection Committee will finally and decisively complete the selection procedure to decide the merit. In case of a tie between two or more candidates, the one who is eldest in age (as per the date of birth) will be placed above the others, as per respective dates of birth as recorded in Secondary School Certificate.

The constitution of Screening and Selection Committee will be decided by Government of India. The Chairperson and Members of these Committees will be entitled to be paid airfare and the rate of Dearness Allowance will be as admissible to the Secretary to theGovernment of India. If the Chairperson and Members of these Committees are from Delhi/New Delhi then a suitable compensation package inclusive of travelling allowance will be payable to them, for each day of their participation in proceedings of the meetings.

There will be no departmental representative in the Selection Committee and the concerned Department will lend only administrative and logistic support to them including services like tea, coffee, cold drinks, lunch, snacks etc. which may be arranged from anywhere. © 2022

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