AICTE Pragati Scholarship 2019-20 : All India Council for Technical Education

Organization : All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
Scholarship Name : Pragati Scholarship 2019-20
Applicable For : Girls Students
Application Last Date : 22nd October 2019 (Date is Extended)
Website :

AICTE Pragati Scholarship Scheme

Online Application are Invited for the grant of Pragati Scholarship scheme for the batch 2019-20 (1st Year).

Related / Similar Scholarship : AICTE Pragati Scholarship 2020-21

Scholarship for Girls under PRAGATI Scheme Implemented by All India Council For Technical Education, New Delhi.

Who Can Apply?

** Upto Two Girls per family.
** Family income should be less than Rs. 8 Lakhs per Annum.
** Students Admitted for Diploma/Undergraduate Degree Level Programmes/Courses in AICTE Approved Institutions.
** Only for the students admitted in first year of their Degree/Diploma for the academic year 2019-20.

** Also, those students who are already drawing scholarship are required to apply for renewal as below

Student Admitted in A.Y. Batch Level
2019-20 1st year (Newly admitted) UG/Diploma
2018-19 2nd year (Renewal)
2017-18 3rd  year (Renewal)
2016-17 4th  year (Renewal) UG Only

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Pragati Scholarship Scheme 2019-20.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of AICTE Portal to register for Pragati Scheme.
Step 2 : Click on “Register Here” to create new profile.Enter the details and click on “Register”.

Step 3 : Confirmation e-mail link will be sent to the registered e-mail ID. Please click on the link to confirm your registration.
Step 4 : Login again with the registered e-mail Id/User name and Password to fill online application form as detailed below

a. Enter personal details under the Tab “Personal Details”.
b. Enter details of family and income under the Tab “Family & Income Details”

c. Enter the details of the Institute in which Admission is taken for first year Degree or Diploma course along with fee paid details under the Tab “Institute Details”.

d. Enter SSC/10th Standard and HSC/12th Standard details under the Tab “Education Details”.
e. Enter the details of the Aadhar seeded Savings Bank Account under the Tab “Bank Details”.
f. Attach the below mentioned documents under the Tab “Attachments”

Notification :

Document Required

** Scanned Copies of mark sheet of standard Xth / XIIth / Others as applicable and as filled up. (mandatory)
** Scanned copy of Certificate issued by the Director/Principal/Head of the institute (mandatory) (Annexure-I)

** Scanned Copy of annual family income certificate for the financial year 2018-19 in the prescribed format issued by Tehsildar or equivalent competent Authority. (mandatory) (Annexure-II)

** Scanned Copy of admission letter to Diploma/Degree course. (mandatory)
** Scanned Copy of Tuition Fee Receipt, showing clearly and separately the amount of tuition fee paid. (mandatory)

** Scanned Copy of Aadhar Seeded Bank Pass Book showing name of the student, Account number, IFSC code and Photograph pasted at appropriate place duly signed by Manager with rubber stamp of Bank affixed(mandatory)

** Attested Scanned copy of SC/ST/OBC Certificate. (mandatory in case of candidates claiming benefit of reservation policy).
** Scanned copy of passport size photograph and signature

** Declaration by parents duly signed stating that the information provided by their child is correct and will refund Scholarship amount, if found false at any stage. (mandatory) (Annexure-III)

Scheme Details :

Amount of Scholarship

** Tuition Fee of Rs. 30,000/- or at actual, whichever is less and Rs.2000/- per month for 10 months as incidentals charges each year.

** In case of Tuition fee waiver/reimbursement, Students are eligible to get an amount of Rs. 30,000/- for the purchase of Books/Equipment/Software/ Laptop/Desktop/Vehicle/Fee paid towards competitive examination applications forms/exam.

Last Date

Last date of submission of Pragati Scholarship Scheme application is extended till 22.10.2019

Categories National

View Comments (8)

  • sir i have applied for pragati scholarship this year..but i have made a small mistake in my application the application is under verification at the institute .how could i correct my mistake in the application?

  • Hlo sir.....
    If in case I receive pragathi scholarship....after that...I am not able to get fee reimbursement..from government....pls ...once reply me sir......pls sir... it's very important for me....

  • Sir...if in case I receive tuition fee reimbursement,...I am not able To get this scholarship...pls give me reply sir

  • How can we remove the deficiency in applying for the pragathi scholarship? I applied for the scholarship 2018-19. They have sent the message to remove the deficiency by latest 8th August 2019. How can we remove the deficiency?

  • I got my name in provisional merit list of 2018-19 batch. My application status shows conditional. How could I know what are my mistakes and how can I correct it. Please do inform. When is the renewal date for 2019-20?

  • I have received my 1st year (2016 -17) pragathi scholarship and after that I renewed the scholarship, but I have not get it. My friends are already received the 2nd year scholarship but I have not get it. I request you to grant me the renewal scholarship as early as possible.

  • I wanted to renew my scholarship. When the renewal date will be declared of 2016-17 batch for 3rd year students? © 2022

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