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All posts from 2015-16 Scholarship For Pathashalas/Mahavidyalayas/ Secondary/Higher Secondary School/Colleges/Universities Students : Rashtriya Sansthan

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Organization : Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
Scholarship Name : Scholarship For Sanskrit Pathashalas/Mahavidyalayas/ Secondary/Higher Secondary School/Colleges/Universities Students 2015-16
Applicable For : Students of Sanskrit Pathashalas/Mahavidyalayas/ Secondary/Higher Secondary School/Colleges/Universities
Applicable States : All India
Application Last Date : 05.09.2015

Website :
Application Form :

Scholarship For Sanskrit Pathashalas/Mahavidyalayas/ Secondary/Higher Secondary School/Colleges/Universities Students 2015-16 :

Update : Rashtritya Sanskrit Sansthan Merit Scholarship 2018-19 :

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University), New Delhi invites applications in the prescribed form for award of merit Scholarship to:
(i) The regular students who have passed the previous examination during the academic session 2014-2015 and pursuing higher course of studies in Sanskrit including Pali/Prakrit in any recognized traditional Pathshalas/Sanskrit universities & modern institutions/Secondary/Senior Secondary Schools from 9th to 12th standard and the levels of Shastri/Graduation/Acharya/Post Graduation/Vidyavaridhi/Ph.D.

The details for grant of Scholarship are as under :-

1. Class 9th and 10th standard/Purva Madhyama or equivalent courses with Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit as a paper of atleast 100 marks:
Must have passed the previous examination of the respective class with a minimum of 60% marks in overall and 60% in Sanskrit/Pali/ Prakrit. The studentsshould be opted Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit also in the current class.

Rs.250/- p.m. for 10 months

2. Class 11th and 12th standard/Prak Shastri/Uttarmadhyama and equivalent courses with Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit as a paper of at-least 100 marks:
Must have passed the previous examination of the respective class with aminimum of 60% marks in overall and 60% in Sanskrit/Pali/ Prakrit. The students should be opted the Sanskrit/Pali/Prakritalso in the current class.

Rs.300/- p.m. for 10 months

3. Shastri/Graduaton/B.A./B.A.(Hons.) and equivalent course of three years duration with Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit as a subject of atleast 100 marks:
Must have passed Plus 2 level examination with minimum 60% marks in overall subject and also 60% mark in the Sanskrit/ Pali/Prakrit. The students should be opted the Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit also in the current class.

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Rs. 400/- p.m. for 10 months

4. Acharya/M.A. Degree in Sanskrit/Pali/ Prakrit and its equivalent Post- Graduation Degree:
Must have passed Graduation with atleast 60% marks in the aggregate and also in concerned Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit.

Rs.500/- p.m. for 10 months

5. Vidyavaridhi/Ph.D. and equivalent in Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit:
Must have passed Acharya or M.A. in Sanskri/Pali/Prakrit with at-least 60% marks in the aggregate.

Rs.1500/- p.m +Rs.2000/- per year as contingentfor two years.

Number of Scholarship:
Number of Scholarships depends on the availability of funds.

Relaxation :
Minimum percentage of marks for the candidates belonging to the categories mentioned below under eligibility criteria shall be as under :-
SC/ST – 50%
OBC – 55%
Physically Handicapped – 50%

Terms & Conditions:

1- Students must have opted for the subject i.e. Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit in the current class of Study for which he or she has applied for the Scholarship. However, the grants of Scholarship will depend on the marks secured in the previous class of study in the concerned subject.

2- The Scholarship will be tenable for one Academic year i.e (10 months) starting from the 1st July and ending with 30th April. As Scholarship is awarded only for one academic year on the basis of marks obtained in the previous examination, students have to apply every year afresh. It will not be renewed automatically.

3- The Scholarship for the Ph.D will be tenable for two full years i.e. 24 months subject to satisfactory progress report. The student shall send Utilization Certificate and progress report on the work done by the scholar through the guide and Head of the Department, to enable the Sansthan to consider the Scholarship for the second year.

4- The students of faculties of Arts or Humanities having Sanskrit as a major subject will be eligible for scholarship in case of Graduation and Post Graduation level only

Application procedure :

The application on the prescribed form alongwith attested copies of the marksheet of the latest qualifying examination, Photocopy of Pass-book of the student and caste/category certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped issued by the Competent Authority must be attached with application form and sent to the Registrar, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University), 56-57, Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi:-110058 Latest by 5th September,2015. The application form can also be downloaded from Sansthan’s website

Last date:- 05.09.2015

Note :- Incomplete application and old application received after the due date will not be considered.

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  1. When will the scholarship funds be released? Please provide an exact date.

  2. I got 99 marks in Sanskrit in 10th standard in year 2015-16.

  3. How can I check my Sanskrit scholarship status?

  4. I got 99 marks in Sanskrit in 1st year. I already applied for scholarship. How can I know my scholarship details?

    1. Where can I get the model question papers?

  5. After attestation by district educational officer where should we upload the enclosures?

  6. I got 99 marks in inter 1st year. Already I applied. How can I know my status?

    1. Palvai.preethan Kumar

      I got 99 in intermediate 1st year and also 99 in 2nd year. I applied for scholarship also but many didn’t come in intermediate percentage who are above 73%.

  7. I got 95 marks. Will I get scholarship? If means when?

  8. I am studying in Narayana junior college. I got 98 marks in Sanskrit in 1st year. How can I know my scholarship granted or rejected OR CAN I get a scholarship?

  9. I got 93.3%. Will I get scholarship?

  10. I have passed 12th 2014 with 82% marks and now in B.A 1st year. Can I get scholarship?

  11. For which address I should send my application?

  12. I got 99 marks out of 100 in first & second year. Can I get a scholar ship& please tell me the last date of application?

  13. I have got 99 marks out of 100. So will I get scholarship?

  14. Is this scholarship for Private Students also?

  15. I got 99 marks in 1st year. How can I apply scholarship?

  16. I always got full marks in Sanskrit.

  17. I got 62% in M.A. Can I get scholarship?

  18. I got 98 marks in inter first year. How can I get my scholarship?

  19. What is last date for applying the scholarship for 2015-2016? I got 96 marks in intermediate 1st year 2015-16.

  20. I got 99 marks in first year. How can I apply for scholarship?

  21. I got 65% marks in Sanskrit.

  22. I have got 95% in inter first year. Do I get scholarship?

  23. I got 99 marks in in inter first year. How to apply for scholarship and mention the amount please?

  24. Dimple, AndhraPradesh

    I am an OC student. I got 99 marks in Inter I year. Can I get Scholarship?

  25. I have scored 99 marks out of 100 in 1st year and 98 out of 10 in 2nd year. How can I apply scholarship?

  26. I got 98 marks in 1st year. Will I get scholarship Or not?

  27. I have got 99 in Sanskrit in 1st year. How can I apply for scholarship?

  28. My daughter got 100 marks in Sanskrit in state board. Did she get this scholarships for Sanskrit? Please reply

  29. M.V.N.L.H.Sainanditha Andhrapradesh

    How can I know my scholarship get sanctioned or rejected?

  30. I am inter second year student. I got 95 marks in Sanskrit exam in first year. Am I eligible to get a scholarship or not?

  31. This scholarship is valid for govt employees children?


  33. I got inter 1st year marks as 75 and 2yr as 95. So am I eligible for this scholarship?

  34. Satish Kumar Banshiwal

    I have passed in12th 2014 mark 68.40. But my merit scholarship is not coming.


    I got 99 MARKS in 1 year INTER & 98 MARKS in 2nd year. Can I get Scholarship?

  36. I have got 91 in 10th SSC examination. Can I get scholarship? If yes then how can I get the scholarship form?

  37. Can I get the reward? I got 99 marks in 1st year inter.

  38. I got 98 marks in Sanskrit. Am I eligible for scholarship?

    1. Yes you are eligible.

  39. I have secured 120 marks in 10th board exam. Can I get scholarship?

  40. I got 99 marks in 1st year. Can I get scholarship? How to apply?

  41. I got 98 marks in Sanskrit of 11th standard. Am I eligible for scholarship?

  42. I have scored 97 marks in Inter first year. Can I get scholarship?

  43. Satyanarayan Panda

    I want to know the date of scholarship 2016-17(BA.HON).

  44. I have secured 99 marks in Sanskrit out of 100. Can I get scholarship?

    1. From the Website :

      After Submit please take a printout, sign Declaration, complete Recommendation from the Head of the Institution and send it to us to complete the Application process fully.

    2. When should I apply for scholarship? I have got 98 marks in inter 1st year.

  45. srihari venkata sai

    How can i know my scholarship get granted or rejected?

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