Dr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar Loan For Higher Study In Foreign Countries : Social Justice & Empowerment

Organization : Department of Social Justice & Empowerment
Scholarship Name : Dr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar Loan For Higher Study In Foreign Countries
Applicable For : Scheduled Caste Students
Applicable State : Gujarat
Website :

SJE Gujarat Dr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar Loan

Department of Social Justice & Empowerment provides Dr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar Loan For Higher Study In Foreign Countries

Related / Similar Scholarship : SJE Gujarat Special Scholarship

Who Can Apply?

** No income limit.
** To be granted to Scheduled Caste students intending to prosecute higher studies in foreign countries.
** Should have obtained Visa.

** For Diploma and equivalent technical and professional and technical courses after obtaining 50% in Std.XII examination.
** For post-graduate courses, sanction is being granted after obtaining 50% marks in Graduation level examinations.
** Application is to be submitted before leaving abroad.

Pattern of Assistance

** Loan assistance for Rs. 15 lakhs with 4% interest rate.

Loan Assistance For Pilot Training

To get the Scheduled Caste students trained and prepare as Pilots.

Eligibility Criteria

** No income limit.
** SSC pass or more.

Pattern of Assistance :
** Rs. 25 lakhs as loan at the rate of interest at 4% p.a.


** Loan repayment commences after one year from the date of disbursement of the loan amount.
** Loan is to be repaid within 10 years by equal monthly installments and if so desired by the candidate, in quarterly installments with prior intimation.

** After repayment of entire loan amount, the interest payable thereon shall also be paid in the same fashion.
** Penal interest at the rate of 2.5% shall be charged on default of repayment of loan regularly.

** In case of default in repayment of installments including penal interest, all overdue amounts recoverable with other expenses shall be recovered through Revenue Recovery procedure.

List of Scholarship

1 BCK-2 Parikshitlal Majmudar Scholarship to Pre-SSC Students.
2 BCK-2B Upgradation of standard of quality of Scheduled Caste children (C.S.S.)
3 BCK-3 Scholarship to Scheduled Caste bright students in selected secondary and higher secondary sc
4 BCK-4 Muni Metraj State Scholarship for Pre-SSC students whose parents are engaged in unclean occu
5 BCK-5 State Scholarship for post SSC girls students not eligible because of income criteria, servi
6 BCK-6 Free Cycles to S.C. Girls studying in Std. 9 (Sarasvati Sadhana Yojana)
7 BCK-6.1 State Scholarship for Post SSC students (C.S.S.)
8 BCK-7 Coaching fees to Scheduled Caste students studying in Std.XI and XII (science stream)
9 BCK-8 Coaching fees to Scheduled Caste students studying in Std.XI and XII (other than science str
10 BCK-10 Food bill assistances for the Engineering and Medical students.
11 BCK-11 Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad Fellowship to the M.Phil and Ph.D. Students.
12 BCK-12 Financial Assistances for study equipments of Medical, Diploma and Engineering students.
13 BCK-13 Scholarship for ITI, Technical and professional courses students of Scheduled Castes.
14 BCK-14 Loan assistance to Scheduled Caste students for pilot training.
15 BCK-15 Dr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar Loan for higher study in foreign countries.
16 BCK-16 Uniform to SC Students in Std 1 to 8
17 BCK-17 Special Scholarship for boys and girls students belonging to Valmiki, Hadi, Nadiya, Senva,
18 BCK-19 Subedar Ramji Ambedkar Scheme of GIA for hostels.
19 BCK-20 GIA for building construction for Boys Hostels for backward class.
20 BCK-21 GIA for building construction for Girls Hostels for backward class.
21 BCK-22 Additional coaching centers in Grant-in-aid and government hostels.
22 BCK-24 Establishment and development of Government Hostels for Boys and Girls.
23 BCK-25 Construction of Government Hostels for Boys.
24 BCK-25A Renovation and modernization of Government buildings, hostels and Residential School etc.
25 BCK-26 Construction of Government Hostels for Girls.
26 BCK-27 Shri Jugatram Dave Ashram Schools Scheme.
27 BCK-28 Mama Saheb Fadke Ideal Residential Schools for Scheduled Caste Scheme
28 BCK-29 Award of prizes to student securing higher rank in public examination of Std.X and XII.
29 BCK-30 Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Award, Mahatma Gandhi Award, Sant Shri Kabir Dalit Sahitya Award.
30 BCK-35 (239) Pre Matric Scholarship for student of IX & X. (CSS)
31 BCK-355 Training to SC Students for IIM,NIFT,CEPT etc Examination
32 BCK-356 Talentpool Scheme for SC Students
33 BCK-354 Training to SC Students fo GUJCAT, PMT,NEET & JEE Examination
34 BCK-353 Tablet free of cost to students of scheduled caste 12 students
Categories Gujarat

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