Sanskriti Foundation Geddes Scholarship 2018 :

Organisation : Sanskriti Foundation
Scholarship : Geddes Scholarship 2018
Applicable For : Indian Nationals
Applicable States : All Over India
Application Last Date : Dec 31, 2018
Website :

Sanskriti Foundation Geddes Scholarship

The Sanskriti Foundation invites applications for its annual Geddes Scholarship for the study of the methodology and principles of Geddes town planning from students of planning and architecture/young professionals for the year 2018.

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The objective of the scholarship is to promote and advance interest in and understanding of Patrick Geddes’ principles of town planning. This scholarship will provide an opportunity to create awareness among young planners and architects of Geddes’ principle of ‘place, work, and folk’.

Who Can Apply?

** The scholarship is only open to Indian Nationals in the age group of 20 to 30.
** The applicants can be an individual or can be a collaborative work of a group of individuals.

** The applicant must be a student of planning and architecture at a graduate/postgraduate/research level from a recognized university or institution and /or young practicing professionals.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Geddes Scholarship 2018.

Steps :
Step 1 : Create a 2-page CV containing full postal and telephonic contact details along with email-id.
Step 2 : Prepare a write-up describing the project in about 250 to 300 words.
Step 3 : Provide contact details of two referees and details of five published work samples.

Step 4 : Send the completed application bearing the title or subject line ‘Sanskriti – Geddes Scholarship’ either by post or by email to – fellowships [AT]
Head Office
Sanskriti Foundation
C-11, Qutab Institutional Area
New Delhi-110 016

Note :
** The proposal should not merely be a compilation of reports but should contain a well researched proposal which would advance the application of the Geddes ideas, a plan of action including field visits and the availability of archival material relevant to that study.

** A bibliography of the reports, websites browsed should accompany the proposal.
** The proposal can also focus on a section of the city/mohalla.

** The applicant has to expose the methodology of diagnostic survey and conservative surgery as a visible strategic option for the renewal of cities in India.
** Priority will be given to such proposals which traces and advances the relevance of Geddes’ ideas and work

Terms & Conditions

** The duration of the scholarship will be six months.
** The scholarship of Rs. 45,000 will be given in two phases;
** Three months after the commencement of the work, an interim report should be submitted to the coordinator.

** The report will be circulated to the Committee who may offer comments to the researcher to consider.
** The final report when submitted will also be reviewed by the committee and any changes required can be incorporated.
** On the successful completion of the study the candidate may be invited to present the findings in a seminar in Delhi.

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