Vidyamandir Classes NAT National Admission & Scholarship Test For PMT 2020

Organisation : Vidyamandir Classes
Scholarship Name : VMC NAT National Admission & Scholarship Test For PMT 2020 – 1 year program
Applicable For : Class XIth Students
Exam Date : 20th October, 2018
Website :

Vidyamandir Classes NAT

VMC NAT – Vidyamandir National Admission Test for PMT 2020 – 1 year program for All India centres will be held on 20th October, 2018 from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM.

Related : VMC National Admission/Scholarship Test Result 2018 :

Who Can Apply?

The student appearing for this Admission test would be in Class XIth presently and would be starting their Class XII from April 2019.

How to Apply?

If you can do online transactions using your Credit/Debit card, you can apply online for the Admission test.

Online Registration

Step 1 : You need to select an Admission test
Step 2 : You can register online for the VMC admission test by clicking on the online registration buttons

Step 3
: Post the online registration, your Admit card will be generated and emailed to you. You are required to take a printout of this admit card and get it at the day of the test.

The prospectus will be couriered to the student at the address given by the student during Admission test registration.

Things to Remember :
** You must put your photographs and signatures on the Admit Card as instructed and carry that with you to the test center on the day of the test.
** Admit Card without photographs will not be entertained and you will not be allowed to appear for the test.

Offline Registration

You can register for the Admission test by going to any VMC Center OR by sending a DD/PO to Vidyamandir Classes, Pitampura. Here is how you can proceed

Step 1 : You need to select an Admission test.
Step 2 : You can register for the VMC Admission test by purchasing the prospectus from any VMC centers mentioned below.

Download VMC Center :

You can also obtain the Admission test application form by sending a Demand draft/Cheque of 300/- in favor of Vidyamandir Classes Ltd. payable at Delhi. The Demand draft/Cheque should be sent to

Vidyamandir Classes – Pitampura Center
Aggarwal Corporate Heights, 3rd Floor,
Plot No. A-7, Netaji Subhash Place,
Opposite Wazirpur Depot, Pitampura, Delhi
Pin : 110034
Phone : 011-45221189/90/91

Important :
Please remember to mention your Name and address where you want the Admission Test Registration form to be sent along with the draft.

Step 3 : Once you have the admission brochure, you are required to fill up the OMR Application Form and courier the duly filled form to the following address:

Vidyamandir Classes – Admission Test Processing Cell
C/o Learning Blocks Technologies
Plot No. 14, Sector – 18, Electronic City, Gurugram
Phones : +91 8588836977 / +91 9711265586

Step 4 : Once we receive your filled Application form, we will process it and your Admit card would be generated & emailed to you.


If you have any queries please contact +91 8588836977 / +91 9711265586
TollFree : 1800-180-6868
Email : admissions [AT] © 2022

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