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Organisation : Karnataka Department of Social Welfare
Scholarship Name : SSLC Prize Money For SC/ST Students 2018-19
Applicable For : SC/ST Students
Applicable State : Karnataka
Application Last Date : 25.03.2019 (For SC) | 20.03.2019 (For ST) (Date is Extended)
Website :

SW Karnataka SSLC Prize Money

Online applications are invited for SSLC Prize Money For SC Students for the year 2018-19.

Related / Similar Post : SW Karnataka SC PMS Renewal 2018-19

Who Can Apply?

Students belonging to the Scheduled Castes who have passed SSLC in 2018 can apply for the Prize Money.

Eligible Students List :
75% Below Students :

75% Above Students :

Required Informations

1) SSLC Registration Number
2) Aadhaar Number and Name as in your Aadhar Card
3) RD Number of Caste Certificate
4) Applicant Photo
5) SSLC Marks Card Scan Copy

How to Apply?

Applications will have to be submitted online by logging on to

New Application

Just follow the simple steps to apply for Prize Money online.

Step 1 : Go to the official website of Karnataka Department of Social Welfare through the URL provided above.
Step 2 : Click on the “Online Application (Passed in 2018 only)” link.

Step 3 : The following page will appear. Enter your SSLC Registration Number and Click on the “Next” button.

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Note :
If Your SSLC Registration Number is not available in Online Application, Please Visit District Social Welfare Office for Adding the SSLC Registration Number in DD Login of SSLC Prizemoney Website

Reprint Application

Follow the below steps to re-download the Acknowledgement.

Step 1 : Go to the following link []
Step 2 : Enter your Application Registration Number in the space provided. [1819SP00001]
Step 3 : Enter your Date of Birth in the format (DD/MM/YYYY)
Step 4 : Enter the Text Displayed in the Captcha
Step 5: Hit the ‘View’ button.

Application Status

To know your application status, kindly follow the steps mentioned below.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the status page []
Step 2 : The following page will appear. Select your View Report By Applicant No.wise
Step 3 : Enter your Applicant No [1819SP00001]
Step 4 : Click on the View button

Last Date

The last date for submission of online applications for SSLC Prize Money shall be:25/03/2019 No further extension \- For ST Last date 20/03/2019

About Us :
The Constitution of India provides certain special Constitutional safeguards for the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections of the population, so that they could take their rightful place in community.

As citizens of the Republic of India, they are fully entitled to certain rights and privileges, which were denied to them in the past on the ground of Caste system and the practice of Untouchability.

To implement various schemes and programmes, both Central and State Government provide funds. Though some of the schemes are funded either wholly or partly by the Central Government through the Special Central Assistance, Centrally sponsored Schemes under Special Component Plan and Tribal Sub Plan, majority of the schemes are funded and implemented by State Government alone.


For Support and Queries
Control Room : 9008400078, 080-22634300,080-22340956
Email : swdcontrol [AT]

Add a Comment
  1. Actually i got message from swd commisioner so how can i apply for the prize money

  2. Why ammount is not credited to my account but it shows approved and sanctioned and also shows bill number why when will my ammount I can get please tell me answer sir

  3. I have passed my 10th std with 61% but the application is not available.

  4. Please tell me the last date.


  6. Can I apply by mobile?

  7. My daughter name is B. Harshitha, she passed SSLC with 82% in 2019, but it is not possible to fill online application for cash prize for SSLC passed with 80%.

  8. Last date for applications submission for 2019 passed out students.

  9. I have got late results. I passed out at first attempt, I have tried to apply for prize money but date was expired, can I apply in the next year for the course of 2016-2018?

  10. I had applied for the scholarship 10 months ago, but still, I have not got any credits, when are they going to transfer the money to our account?

  11. I am waiting for prize money. When will it get credited?

  12. Show me the status of application ID 20180362695.

  13. I applied for prize money and it got approved. In SSLC, I secured 97.76% still I have not got the prize money. I am from Bellary.

  14. I applied for my MSC prize money before 4 months. It is already approved but I didn’t get money so I would like to know, when it will transfer to my account?

  15. I need to known about the money details and when you are going to send the money.

  16. I would like to know about the amount of prize money.

  17. Please answer, where do we want to give this form?

  18. I have passed 10th with 82%. I have applied for scholarship, they replied that they have accepted my application.

  19. I submitted all details still it is showing pending in application status. Is there a need to submit acknowledgement printout to any authority?

  20. I studied 10th in CBSE syllabus, how I should apply for prize money? Please provide me details.

  21. I passed SSLC. Can I apply?

    1. If you are passed in first class in first attempt, then you can apply.

  22. I have filled application for prize money, at the time of submission it is showing please upload your recent photo. But I have uploaded recent photo. Please intimate me about submitting online application.

  23. I have completed SSLC in Karnataka. I need this scholarship. My score is 503.

  24. I have passed CBSE tenth standard in March 2018 with 80%, what is the procedure to get prize money?

  25. I have completed my SSLC in Karnataka and scored marks 506, can I get this scholarship?

  26. I need this scholarship, let me know, what is the age requirement for this scholarship.

    1. I have already submitted Aadhar number and Marks card but still it is showing pending, why?

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