Post Matric Scholarship Fresh Registration 2019-20 : Telangana ePass

Organisation : Telangana ePass
Scholarship Name : PMS Post Matric Scholarship For Fresh Registration 2019-20
Applicable For : SC,ST Students
Applicable State : Telangana
Last Date : 15.02.2020
Website :

Telangana ePass Postmatric Scholarship

Post matric Scholorships Registrations for Fresh,Renewal of 2019-20 are Re-Opened.Last Date for Submission is 15-02-2020

Related / Similar Scholarship : Telangana ePass Post Matric Scholarship Renewal 2019-20

Who Can Apply?

** Students who belong to the categories of SC,ST whose annual parental income is Rs. Two Lakhs or below.
** BC & Minority Welfare Students who are belongs to rural area family income should be Rs. One Lakh Fifty Thousand or below.

** BC & Minority Welfare Students who are belongs to Urban area family income should be Rs. Two Lakhs or below.
** EBC,Disabled Welfare Students whose parental income is RS. One lakh or below.
** Students whose attendance is 75% at the end of each quarter.

How to Apply?

To apply for the Post Matric Scholarship, Kindly follow the mentioned steps below.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Telangana ePass through the URL

Step 2 : Then, Scroll the pages down and Click on the Post Matric Scholarship Services link in the home page.

Step 3 : After that, Click Postmatric Scholarships For Fresh Registration(2019-20) link.

Step 4 : Please tick the check boxes to proceed and Click Apply Now button

Step 5 : Enter the following details to apply for Post Matric Scholarship
** Select your SSC Pass Type – SSC Regular/SSc Supplementary/Other Board/CBSE/ICSE/OSS/Oriental SSC/Direct Degree

** Enter your SSC Hall Ticket No [080001]
** Select your SSC Pass Year [2019]
** Enter Your Date of Birth [01-03-2003]


1) S.S.C Hall ticket number, year of pass, type of pass(Regular/Supple./CBSE etc.) to access the application

2) a) Student Aadhaar CARD NUMBER
b) If you do not have Aadhaar Card, go to the nearest Aadhaar Enrollment Centre for enrolment.

c) If you have enrolled for Aadhaar and have Enrolment Number(EID) with you, then verify your Aadhaar Status.( Click here to verify the status of Aadhaar)

3) Caste Certificate obtained from Meeseva Centre
4) Income Certificate obtained from Meeseva Centre after 01-04-2019
5) Open bank account in any of the Nationalized Banks (Click here for the list of Nationalized Banks). Bank account not required for EBC students.

6) Students should have a Mobile Number for receiving ONE TIME PASSWORD for registration of application(Mobile number may belong to the student or any one of his/her family members)

7) STUDY/BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE for the last SEVEN consecutive years of Study
8) Furnish CET(Common Entrance Test) allotment order for CET courses

9) If the student belongs to Intermediate, to register in ePASS, the student has to complete online Admission in BIE(Board of Intermediate Education) Portal by the College Principal

10) 2018-19 PMS Applications Registered in ePASS under ‘FRESH’ will be processed subject to college confirmation by the University registrars concerned and also subject to eligibility of the student.

11) If there is a gap in study by one student, by discontinuation on health grounds or in other reason, the place of residence of the gap period as given by the MRO critically determine whether a local candidate or not.


1. How can I know my scholarship status?
Please visit the epass website at and click on the scholarship status button given in middle of web page. Furnish your application ID and other details are required. Upon furnish the details you will get a detailed statement showing the different transactions on your application

2. Is the scholarship registration available through out the year?
The scholarship registration is open only for a specific period of time by the government. All students and colleges must file their application for registration only during this period of time.

once the period is over the facility for registration will no longer be available on the website. No scholarship can be given to the student who has not registered on the epass website

3. Where can i get the details of scholarships??
You can get the details of the Scholarship are given in G.O MS No 66 SW(Edn.2)/2010 Dept dated 8.9.2010. a copy of the G.O can be download from ePass website under the G.Os and memos menu.

In addition to the G.O Ms. 66 SW(Edn.2)/2010 dated 8.9.2010 a number of instructions are given from time to time and constantly uploaded on the website. You can have a look at the detailed instructions given.

4. Is there a separate format for the income certificate ?
The income certificate is issued to a student based on an income affidavit given as a declaration by the student. wrongful declaration off income may lead to criminal prosecution as per the law.

Please ensure that you get a certificate off income from the concerned MRO with his employee code and stamp which is affixed clearly. All incomplete certificates will be summarily rejected.

5. How much reimbursement will I get?
The reimbursement off tuition will be dependent on the course you pursue. While most of the courses are eligible for 100% of the tuition fee as fixed by the government. Self financed courses are eligible only for a maximum of Rs. 20,000 or the actual fee charged by the college, which ever is less.

Help Desk

For Technical Issues, Please Call to 040-23120311,23120312 between 10.30 A.M. to 5 P.M.

Categories Telangana

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  • While applying for Fresh PMS 2018-19 website is not showing colleges. It is able to browse upto University later on when I click for college there is no option. Please rectify it as early as possible as students are worried and the last date for applying is near to close that 30-09-2018. © 2022

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