oil-india.com : 2015 Merit Scholarship & Awards Assam & Arunahcal Pradesh

Organization : Oil India Ltd
Scholarship Name : OIL Awards & Merit Scholarship 2015
Applicable For : Class X & Class XII Passed Students
Applicable States : Assam & Arunahcal Pradesh
Application Last Date : 26th August 2015
Website : http://www.oil-india.com/Default.aspx
Notification : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/2767-Scolarship.jpg

OIL Awards & Merit Scholarship 2015:

Applications are invited for Oil Awards and Oil Merit Scholarship 2015 from Non- Oil employee children students who have passed X and XII Board exams under Secondary Board of education , Assam Higher Secondary Education Council ( AHSEC).

Related / Similar Scholarship : OIL India Awards & Merit Scholarship 2016

State Board of Arunchal Pradesh, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Indian Council of Secondary Education ( ICES) in the year 2015.The one – time scholarship will be awarded strictly on merit basis subjects to receipt of duly filled in application form along with relevant supporting documents as mentioned.

Eligibility For Application:

OIL Awards 2015 :
(a) OIL Awards will be awarded to students securing rank in Class X & Class XII examinations 2015 from Assam and Arunahcal Pradesh State Boards who appeared in the examinations form schools/ Colleges located within OIL operational areas of Dibrugarh , Tinsukia part of Sivasagar ( under Moran Oil Fields ) district of Assam and Changlang & Lohit District of Arunahcal Pradesh.

(b) Applicants must furnish photocopy of SEBA /AHSEC/ Arunachal Pradesh State Board Circular declaring his/ her rank duly attested by School/ College authority .

OIL Merit Scholarship 2015 :
(a) Students passing Class X and Class XII examinations for schools / Colleges located Oil operational areas in Dibrugarh , Tinsukia and Part of Sivasagar ( under Moran Oil Fields) districts districts of Assam , and Lohit and Changlang district of Arunachal Pradesh and only eligible to apply for OIL Merit Scholarship.

(b) The minimum qualifying marks for submission and consideration pf application for OIL Merit Scholarship 2014.

Application Procedure:

Eligible candidates are requested to forward their applications for OIL Awards & Oil Merit Scholarship 2015 in the following format with relevant documents as mentioned above to Head- Public Relations, OIL India Ltd, Duliajan – 786602, Assam on or Before 26th August 2015.

Application will not be accepted after last date of submission

Last Date: 26th August 2015

(a) Candidates are to attach self attested photocopy of mark sheet . Application with copy of mark sheet downloaded from Internet will be rejected.
(b) Candidates applying for OIL Awards, 2016 must furnish photocopy of respective Board / Council’s circular declaring his / her rank, duly attested by School / College authority .

(c) Both total marks as well as percentage should be furnished.
(d) Class XII pass-outs should furnish data of total five MAJOR subjects. No sixth subject will be considered.

(e) SC / ST / OBC / MOBC candidates must produce certificate from competent authority duly attested by Gazetted Officer . Candidate’s claim to belong to any of the above categories without proper certification will not be entertained.

(f) Students from BPL families should produce attested copy of BPL Certificate issued to father or mother by Govt of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. Card / Certificate issued by any other agency or to any other member of the family will not be considered.

(g) PWD (People With Disability) students should mention type of disability and attach certificate from competent (Medical) authority.
(h) Candidates are requested to open Bank Accounts before filling up this application pro-forma.
(i) Interested candidates can download Application Pro-forma for OMS,2016 from OIL website oil-india.com.
(j) Filled in pro-forma in closed envelope super scribed as APPLICATION FOR OMS , 2016, should be sent to DGM (CSR), OIL on or before 23. 07. 2016.

(k) Candidates should clearly furnish the following information on top of the envelope :
i) Name of Examination , ii) Urban School / Rural School (for HSLC candidates) , iii) Stream ( for Class XII passouts), iv) Caste Category

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