disabilityaffairs.gov.in Financial Assistance under National Fund For Persons with Disabilities

Organization : Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
Scholarship Name : Financial Assistance under National Fund
Applicable For : Students With Disabilities
Applicable State/UT : All India
Website : https://depwd.gov.in/

Disability Affairs Financial Assistance under National Fund

Financial Assistance under National Fund objective is to provide a framework to support financial assistance under the Fund for certain core areas relevant for empowerment of persons with disabilities.

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The activities for which funds will be provided are as under
(i) to support Exhibitions/workshops to showcase the products including paintings, handicraft etc made by the PwDs.

(ii) to support persons with benchmark disabilities who have excelled in sports or in fine arts/music/dance at the State level to participate in the National/International events. Assistance from the Fund for the same event can be granted only once to a PwD.

(iii) to support certain exclusive needs of persons with high support needs as recommended by the Assessment Boards on specific recommendation by the States on a case to case basis.

Type I

Exhibitions/workshops to showcase the products including paintings, handicraft etc made by the PwDs.

Eligibility :
Any Government organization or an organization registered under Societies Act/Companies Act/Trust Act for a period not less than three years and has experience of not less than 2 years for organizing exhibition/workshops in marketing products/paintings.

How to Apply?
The eligible organizations may submit the proposal as per the proforma placed at Annexure I along with all supporting documents addressed to the below mentioned address.

Documents Required :
(i) Certificate of Registration
(ii) Supporting Document showing Experience of the Organisation
(iii) Memorandum of Association of the Organisation
(iv) PAN/TAN/GST Number
(v) Invitation letter inviting trade/marketing bodies

Type II

Support persons with benchmark disabilities who have excelled in sports/fine-arts/music/dance/film/theatre/literature at the State level to participate in the National and International events.

Eligibility :
(a) Any person with benchmark disability (having disability 40% or more) who has won medals in sporting events or any artist with disability graded as outstanding or promising as per the instructions of Ministry of Culture during the last three years.

(b) The annual income of the family of the persons with benchmark disabilities for participating in the National event (including National IT Challenge) should not be more than Rs 3 lakh, whereas for International event, the annual income of the family should not be more than Rs 6 lakh.

(c) Assistance from the Fund for the similar event can be granted only once to a PwD (if a particular employee has been granted assistance under the Fund for one National/International event, he will not be eligible for financial assistance for similar events).

How to Apply?
The eligible individual persons may submit the proposal as per the proforma placed at Annexure II to the below mentioned address.

Documents Required :
(a) Copy of valid permanent certificate of disability
(b) AADHAAR Number or AADHAAR enrollment number (if AADHAAR card not yet obtained).

(c) Certificate showing winning of medals at the State/National level or certificate showing achievement in the field of fine arts/painting/music.

(d) Invitation from the organizer of National/International event.

Type III

Support certain exclusive needs of persons with high support needs as recommended by the Assessment Boards on specific recommendation by the States on a case to case basis.

Eligibility :
** Persons with benchmark disabilities having high support needs as recommended by the Assessment Board constituted by the States/UTs who have approached the States and the States could not provide such assistance from their Fund and has recommended for consideration under the Fund.

** The annual family income of the PwD should not be more than Rs 3 lakh or as may be specified by the Governing Body.

Guidelines :

How to Apply?
The eligible individual persons may submit the proposal as per the proforma placed at Annexure III to the below mentioned address.

Documents Required :
(a) Copy of valid permanent certificate of disability
(b) AADHAAR Number or AADHAAR enrollment number (if AADHAAR not yet obtained).
(c) Copy of the recommendations of the Assessment Board

(d) Certificate from the State Government conveying that the initially the proposal was submitted to them and it was not possible for the States to grant any assistance. In addition a copy of the recommendation from the State clearly indicating the requirement of assistance.

Submit Application Form

Individual/organizations/State Government institutions may submit proposal for holding National/State/Regional level exhibition under the National Fund in terms of the above guidelines.

Proforma may be sent to following address :
The Joint Secretary & CEO
National Fund for Persons with Disabilities,
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities,
Room No: 527, B-III Wing, 5th Floor,
Pt. Deenadayal Antyodaya Bhawan,
CGO Complex, Loadhi Road, New Delhi
Email ID : jsdc-depwd [AT] gov.in
Tel: 011-24369069

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