World Bunts Foundation Trust Kothwal Scholarship 2019-20 :

Organization : World Bunts Foundation Trust, Mangalore
Scholarship Name : Kothwal Scholarship 2019-20
Applicable For : Female Students
Application Last Date : 30.09.2019
Website :–activities.html

World Bunts Kothwal Scholarship

World Bunts Foundation Trust, Mangalore is pleased to invite application for Late Kothwalguthu Mechu Shedthy Memorial Endowment Fund and Late Kothwalguthu Nadumane Rathna Shedthy Memorial Charitable Fund for the year 2019-20

Related : World Bunts Foundation Trust Education Loan & Scholarship 2019-20 :

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant should satisfy the following requirements to qualify for the award

Mechu Shedthy Fund

** Should either be a son or daughter of a single female parent who bears the financial Burden to educate the child.

** Comes from an indigent family and cannot afford the cost of college education.
** Should show intense desire to enhance his/her knowledge by furthering college education.

** He /She maintains “B” or ‘second class’ achievement level. In addition, if an applicant proven to be good in any extracurricular activity like music, sport or voluntary community service he/she will earn a bonus point toward his/her qualification over other applicants.

** Will be awarded a scholarship of Rs.25,000/= per year for three years or four years.

Nadumane Rathna Shedthy Fund

1. Should be a single female parent with one or more children, pursuing high school or precollege education, and who has proven financial difficulties to provide education and/or has a business plan to improve the financial difficulties of the family.

2. Explaining how the funds would be used.
3. Will be awarded the “Kothwal Helping Hand grant” of Rs.10,000 for two years.

At the end of first year, recipient should submit an account of previous years’ activities in order to qualify for second year.

How to Apply?

1) Applicant should send requests in one page letter to World Bunts Foundation Trust. The letter should contain all the details/ Information/ commitments mentioned above with supporting evidence and/or commitments/documents.

2) For the academic year 2019-2020, inquiries should be sent to The World Bunts Foundation Trust.

Scholarship Amount

“The Kothwal Scholarship” of Rs.25000/= Per year for either three years or four years of baccalaureate degree program to a student from a needy single female parent family.

“Kothwal Helping Hand” grant of Rs.10,000/= per year for two years to a needy single female parent family with high school or pre-college going children, and one who has shown willingness to work hard and/ or has a plan to improve her family economic condition.

Last Date

Last date for receipt of application is 30.09.2019. Application received there after will not be Considered

Activities of the Trust :
WBFT is a charitable institution, supported by the donations from the Trustees and members from the community. Contributions to the endowment remain on permanent deposit with the Bank and interest income thereon is distributed to the purpose for which the endowment is instituted.

Donations so received help support the programs and services in the areas of Health, Education, Sports, Art, Culture and Economic Development.

Categories Foundation/ Trust

View Comments (1)

  • I am a single parent, I need this scholarship for my daughter. Is she eligible for this scholarship? Please reply me.
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