Adobe India Women In Technology Scholarship 2019

Organisation : Adobe India
Scholarship Name : Adobe India Women In Technology Scholarship 2019
Applicable For : Indian female citizen student currently enrolled at an Indian university
Application Last Date : October 16th, 2018 (Date is Extended)
Website :

Adobe India Women In Technology Scholarship

Adobe India invites online applications for Women In Technology Scholarship for the year 2019. We provide them with the necessary resources and support to shape their ideas into tangible results.

Related / Similar Scholarship :
Adobe India Women In Technology Scholarship 2021

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the 2019 Adobe India Women in Technology Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria
** Be an Indian female citizen student

Update : Scholarship recipients will be announced by December 14, 2018.

** Must be enrolled as a full time student in a formal technology 4 year BE / B.Tech education program or an Integrated ME/MS/MTech program at an Indian University or Institute at the time of applying and should be completing the program in Academic year 2019-20.

** Should be pursuing a Major or Minor in the following streams – Computer Science/Engineering, Information Science, Data Science, Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Math and Computing

** May apply to ONLY ONE of the following two Scholarships – Adobe India Women In Technology Scholarship OR the Adobe Global Women In Technology Scholarship.

How To Apply?

Applications must be submitted through a dedicated portal opening on September 1st, 2018. No emailed applications will be accepted.

Applications must include :
** Essays – Expect to answer short essay type questions
** Resume
** Letter of Recommendation from a Professor
** Academic transcripts from your current and past institutions
** More details will be posted on the portal.

Scholarship Details

The Scholarship Will Cover :
** Fund toward tuition fees for the remainder of the award recipient’s university education ending in academic year 2019-20.
** Opportunity for Summer Internship at Adobe India in 2019*.
** Mentoring by a senior technology leader from Adobe.
** Travel to Grace Hopper Conference India, including participation fees.


1. Is there a limit to the number of applications that can come from a single university or department?
2. Will I be able to update my scholarship application once I submit?

3. Do transcripts need to be official transcripts signed by the registrar?
Not when you apply. At a later stage in the selection process, official transcript signed by the registrar will be asked.

4. What instructions will my recommender need to know?
Recommendation letter will need to address the following points
i. How long have they known the applicant and in what capacity
ii. Does the applicant belong to the top 5, 10, or 20 percent of the students they have taught

iii. Assess the applicant on :
** Intellectual and analytic strengths
** Technical skills
** Ability to think creatively
** Ambition and initiative
** Ability to work on a team

5. Can Master’s students apply?
Yes, if pursuing Dual Degree as explained under Eligibility Criteria.

Last Date

To accommodate completion by applicants, the Last Date for applications is being extended by 48 hours until October 16, 2018, 5:00 pm IST.

However, the Last Date for submission of recommendation letter by professor will remain unchanged and remain as October 21, 5:00 pm India time.


If you have questions, please email adoberesearchwebmaster [AT]

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