Aalo Charity Monthly Scholarship Online Application 2019 : West Bengal

Organization : Aalo Charity Organisation
Service Name : Aalo Monthly Scholarship Online Application 2019
Applicable For : Class XI students
Applicable State : West Bengal
Website : http://aalo.org.in/application-form.php

Aalo Monthly Scholarship

New online application form for the monthly scholarship for class XI students is now available. This online form is completely free of cost. The list of selected candidates for the personal interview will be published on this website.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Aalo Monthly Scholarship 2021

We support meritorious students from BPL families who do not get proper opportunities due to economic constraints.

Who Can Apply?

** The candidates who either have passed their 10th standard (Madhyamik) exam in 2019 obtaining at least 70% marks and are currently studying Arts in West Bengal in 11th standard (OR)

** Students have passed their 10th standard (Madhyamik) exam in 2019 obtaining at least 75% marks and are currently studying Science or Commerce in West Bengal in 11th standard are eligible to apply.

How to Apply?

Please follow the below steps to apply for the Aalo Monthly Scholarship 2019-20.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Aalo Charity Organisation through the URL http://aalo.org.in/index.php

Step 2 : Then Select Scholarship tab in the menu bar and Click Application Form link in the drop down list.

Step 3 : After that click the link to fill up the form. Read the instructions carefully before applying.

Step 4 : Next fill the application form with your personal details and click Next button

Step 5 : Enter the remaining details to complete the application and finally click on Submit button.

Step 6 : After the submission you will receive an automated email with all the submitted information in you email address. Please keep the email for your record

Selection Process

The selection procedure is done using a mathematical expression comprises of applicant’s family income, marks obtained in Madhyamik (10th Standard), score obtained by the candidate during initial screening and the interview score allotted by the panel members.

Selected candidate will have to come for an personal interview at Jadavpur University Campus, Jadavpur, Kolkata.

We take into account several factors while preparing the final candidate list. The decision of the Aalo management committee will be final. Name of shortlisted candidates will be announced on aalo’s website on or before October 15th 2019.

Selected Candidates List

Selected Candidates from North Bengal (Interview location: Siliguri)

Selected Candidates North Bengal :

Selected Candidates South Bengal :

Interview Letter :

** The date and time for the interview will be communicated to the candidates later over phone.

** For the time and venue details each candidate will be contacted over phone on their personal contact number given during form fill up by 15thNovember, 2019.

** It is mandatory to attend the personal interview for getting selected for Aalo Scholarship.

** Candidates should bring printed form sent to their email-id duly signed by the Headmaster of the School currently enrolled, Original Mark sheet, Income certificate issued by competent authority, passport size photograph and other relevant documents.

** If selected, candidates will have to mandatorily attend the Scholarship distribution and mentoring sessions held tri-annually at Kolkata or Murshidabad or Siliguri whichever is preferable by the candidate.

About Us :
Aalo is a non-profitable trust. We provide scholarship to the under privileged and meritorious students in different Districts of West Bengal.

2007 Passing out Batch of Ramakrishna Mission Residential College started Aalo from 12th January, 2012. Soon students of Other batches and other colleges started joining us.


If you have any queries or troubles regarding your application, please feel free to give us a call at +91-9836007910 (strictly between 5 pm to 7 pm daily).

Categories West Bengal

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