bcmbcmw.tn.gov.in Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship Fresh & Renewal 2019-20 : Tamil Nadu Minorities Welfare

Organisation : Tamil Nadu Directorate of Minorities Welfare
Scholarship Name : 2019-20 Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship Fresh & Renewal
Applicable For : Minority Communities Students (Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Zoroastrian (Parsi) & Jain)
Applicable State : Tamil Nadu
Application Last Date : 15.11.2019 (Date is Extended)
Website : http://www.bcmbcmw.tn.gov.in/welfschemes_minorities.htm

BCMBCMW TN MCM Scholarship

Tamil Nadu Directorate of Minorities Welfare invites online applications for Meri-Cum-Means Based Scholarship To Minority Communities Students For The Year 2019-20

Related / Similar Scholarship : e Scholarship


Fresh :
** Students who get admission to a college to pursue technical/ professional courses, on the basis of a competitive examination / without taking any competitive examination will be eligible for the scholarship.

** However, such students should have not less than 50% marks at higher secondary / graduation level/Polytechnic for lateral entry.
** Annual income of whose parents/guardian from all sources does not exceed Rs.2.50 lakh.

Renewal :
** Students who have been awarded Fresh Scholarship in the previous year can apply for Renewal Scholarship provided if he/she scored not less than 50% of marks in the previous year examination without any arrears.
** Annual income of whose parents/guardian from all sources does not exceed Rs.2.50 lakh.

No.Of Scholarship

Community wise tentative allotment for number of Fresh scholarship to Tamil Nadu for the year 2019-20 are given below

** Muslims – 1085
** Christians – 1134
** Sikhs – 4
** Buddhists – 3
** Jains – 23
** Total – 2249

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship Scheme for Minorities 2019-20.

Apply Online : https://scholarships.gov.in/

Steps :
Step 1 : The student can log on to National Scholarship Portal (NSP)
Step 2 : Fresh applicants should select the option New Registration link in the right top corner of the home page.

Step 3 : Read the instructions carefully and Click on the Continue button
Step 4 : Fill the required details and finally click on the Register button to compete the registration process.

Step 5 : After register your account students login with your user id and password.
Step 6 : Next Select the scholarship scheme and fill the remaining details to apply for the Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship.

Step 7 : For Renewal case, Students Click the Login link and enter your Application Id, Password, Captcha image for Login. Then fill the required fields to complete your renewal process.

Documents Required

Before applying for Scholarship scheme through online on NSP, students should keep the following documents/information ready

i. Student’s Photo
ii. A valid unique mobile number
iii. An unique Email-id

iv. Institution Verification Form prescribed @ http://www.minorityaffairs.gov.in/ SCHEMES>Scholarship>Merit-cum-means scholarship-scheme

v. Mark sheet.
Previous Qualifying Exam /Board consolidation Mark-sheet. i.e. HSC Marks Total mark obtained alone should be considered.. For Diploma coursers, marks for lateral entry, consolidated mark sheets the total of 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th semester marks which are included for computation of aggregate total and award of grade alone should be taken.

(b) Renewal :
Previous year Mark Sheet / Consolidated Mark sheet (without any arrears) should be enclosed. If Mark sheet is not received within due date, then online printout of Mark sheet with due attestation from HOD will be accepted.

vi. Functional Bank Account in Student’s name.
vii. Hostel fee receipt or declaration of the institution that the student is a hosteller,

viii. Aadhaar Number (optional)
a. If enrolled , Aadhaar Enrolment Id slip
b. Not enrolled, Copy of First page of Bank Passbook with Photograph (Mandatory)
ix. Latest Parents / Guardian’s Income Certificate issued by competent authority from Revenue Dept.

x. Religion / Community Certificate obtained from the Revenue Authority of the State or Self Declaration in Rs. 10/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper in the format prescribed @ http://www.minorityaffairs.gov.in/ SCHEMES>Scholarship> Merit-cum-means scholarship-scheme

xi. Receipt of the Course Fee for the academic
xii. Resident / Domicile Certificate.

Other Conditions

** Scholarship will be awarded only for two children in a family.
** The Income Certificate would remain valid for One Year.

** The students should be regular in attendance for which the yardstick will be decided by the competent authority of the College/University
** The scholarship is dependent on the satisfactory progress and conduct of the scholar.

Notification :

** The student can obtain only one scholarship and shall not avail such benefits under any other scholarship scheme such as scholarship from BC/MBC/Adi-Dravidar Welfare, Education Departments, any other Boards, etc for the same purpose.

Rate Of Scholarship

** Full course fee (except refundable deposits) will be reimbursed to those who are studying in Listed Institutions as notified by the Ministry of Minority Affairs.

** For other institutions, course fee of Rs.20000/- or Actual whichever is less and Maintenance Allowances* @ Rs. 1000/- per month for Hosteller and Rs. 500/- per month for Day Scholars. (* For 10 months in an academic year)

Instruction for Institution

1. All Universities/Institutes/Colleges are advised to register themselves mandatory details like., name, address, registration number, affiliation, contact number, email, and course details like recognition, annual course fee, etc. in the NSP on or before 15.08.2018 without fail so that the student can apply Scholarship through Online and they can verify such application on the portal without delay

2. New institutions are required to have DISE/AISHE code for registration under National Scholarship Portal.

3. All the existing institutions/ schools are necessarily required to update their metadata (including contact details, course details) and get it validated at once.

4. Institutions must communicate their valid DISE/AICHE code (obtain from the Ministry of HRD through online)and display in the Notice Board without-fail so that the student can select the Institution Name & Code correctly and complete the application process swiftly.

Application Last Date

Last date for submission of online application for Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Fresh & Renewal by the student is 15th November 2019.

Categories Tamil Nadu

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