SC/ ST Loan & Backward Class Scholarship : Nagercoil Vins Christian Womens College of Engineering

Organization : Vins Christian Womens College of Engineering
Scholarship Name : SC/ ST Loan & Backward Class Scholarship
College Location : Nagercoil

Website : vinswomensengg [dot] com

Government Scholarships:
Eligibility Presribed By the Government of India:
Only those candidates who are citizens of India and who have obtained a minimum of 60% of marks in school leaving examination namely Marticulation/ Higher Secondary / Indian School Certificate Examination etc., are eligible for this scholarship.

The annual income of the parents of the scholars should not exceed Rs. 1,00,000.

The scholar should show 90% attendance every-year.

The scholar should not be in receipt of other scholarships/assitance from any other sources. The scholar can however accept the adhoc monetary helps from the state government or any other source for meeting the expenses on boarding and lodging in addition to the scholarship amount paid under these schemes.

The scholarship award is subjected to good conduct and regularity, it should be renewed every year by their progress.

SC / ST Loan Scholarship:
A loan of Rs. 7000/- Per Annum is extended to the students of SC/ST Community whose parental annual income does not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/- for SC and Rs. 1,08,000 for ST.

Backward Class Scholarships:
Eligibility presribed by the Government of TamilNadu
The Candidate should belong to TamilNadu and to the Backward or Most Backward. Denotified Communites so recognized by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu.

The Annual income of the Parents or the guardian should not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/-

The Scholarship award is subjected to good conduct and regularity and should renewed every year on promotion.

The Students who are eligible shall obatin the prescribed application form from the office and submit the same along with necessary encolsures before the stipulated date. The notification will be given well in advance and the nature of scholarship and last date will be displayed in the notice boad, Additional information about these scholarship can be had the staf concerned in the college administrative office.

Minority Scholarships:
The Objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the poor and meritorious students belonging to minority communities to enable them to pursues professional and technical courses.

The Parent/Guardian annual income limit must not exceed Rs. 2,50,000 lakhs per annum from all sources.

Pass in competitive Examiniation with 80% marks.

Scholarships and Assistance:
Central and State Government Scholarships are available as per Government regulations such as:
** B.C. Scholarship
** MBC / DNC Scholarship
** Schedule Caste / S.T – Scholarship
** Educational Scholarship to the wards of farmers under Tamil Nadu Agricualtural Labourer farmers Scheme
** Minority Welfare Scholarship
** Minority Scholarship for other state
** National Foundation for teachers welfare Scholarship in Tamil Nadu
** SC / S.T. Scholarship
** Beedi Workers Students Scholarship

Further, the college encourages and helps the students to obtain loans from various Nationalized banks and other financial institutions.

Vins has disbursed the maximum amount of scholarships to its students when compared to other colleges in South Tamilnadu

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