JNCASR Visiting Fellowship Programme 2018-19 : Jawaharlal Nehru Centre For Advanced Scientific Research Bangalore

Organization : Jawaharlal Nehru Centre For Advanced Scientific Research Bangalore
Scholarship Name : Visiting Fellowship Programme 2018-19
Applicable For : Research Scientists/ Engineers With Ph.D
Applicable States : All India
Application Last Date : 17 August 2018
Website : https://www.jncasr.ac.in/

JNCASR Visiting Fellowship Programme

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre For Advanced Scientific Research center provides Visiting Fellowships to faculty working in State or Central Universities and R&D laboratories in India.

Related : JNCASR SRFP Summer Research Fellowship Programme 2019 : www.scholarships.net.in/30966.html


** Faculty or engineers with a Ph.D., who have permanent positions in State or Central Universities or R&D laboratories are invited to apply.
** Individuals who have applied for or utilized this Visiting Fellowship Programme earlier, need not apply.

How to Apply?

Just follow the simple steps mentioned below to apply for the Visiting Fellowship Programme.

Steps :
Step 1 : Application form can be downloaded from the official website or you can directly download it from the below mentioned link.

Application Form :

Step 2 : Fill the application form with the required details.

Step 3 : Completed application must include a certificate from the Head of the candidate’s parent institute permitting continuous leave for the duration of the fellowship.

Step 4 : The completed application and supporting documents should be sent as a single PDF file by email to fellowships [AT] jncasr.ac.in and in hard copy by post to the following address.

The Academic Coordinator,
JNCASR, Jakkur,
Bangalore -560 064.

Step 5 : Email subject line and envelope containing hard copy should be clearly marked ‘Application for Visiting Fellowship Programme 2018-2019’.

Application Format

1. Enter Your Name
2. Enter Your Date of birth
3. Enter Highest degree and institution
4. Fill Present position & institution in India†
5. Enter Your Address for correspondence
6. Enter Your Area of interest
7. List of research publications in the last
10 years (Please use additional sheets, if necessary)
8. Description of proposed work. (Please use additional sheets, if necessary)
9. Faculty member of JNCASR with whom you wish to interact*

Note :
** Applicants should attach a certificate from their institution permitting them to work for a minimum uninterrupted period of 60 days in JNCASR.

** The applicant’s institution has to abide by the declaration in the certificate.
** The period of work should not be divided into more than two phases.

*Prior consent of JNCASR faculty is necessary and is to be enclosed with this application.
† Only permanent faculty/scientists should apply.

Duration & Fellowship

** The fellowship is tenable for a minimum uninterrupted period of sixty days and maximum of 3 months and valid for one year from the date of the offer letter.
** The fellowship carries an honorarium of Rs 25000 per month.

Research Areas

Life Sciences (including molecular and developmental biology, chronobiology, genetics, ecology, behavior, neurobiology); Materials Sciences (including nanoscience);

Chemical Sciences (including chemical biology, interfaces of chemical science with materials, solid-state chemistry, theoretical/computational chemistry, inorganic, physical and organic chemistry);

Notification :

Physical Sciences (including experimental and theoretical condensed-matter and materials physics, statistical physics, organic electronics and experimental nanobiotechnology);

Engineering Sciences (including fluid dynamics, nonlinear dynamics, and thermal and chemical engineering); and Atmospheric Sciences.

Last Date

Last date for receipt of completed application form is 17 August 2018.

Categories Fellowship/Grants
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