Vishwa Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship Test For GATE 2019/20

Organisation : Vishwa
Scholarship Name : 5th State Level Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship Test For GATE 2019/20
Applicable For : VISHWA Students
Applicable State : Telangana
Registration Last Date : 11th August 2018
Website :

VISHWA Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship Test

Vishwa invites applications for 5th State Level Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship Test For GATE 2019/20.

Update : Vishwa APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship Test For GATE 2020 :


** Cash Prizes and scholarships are applicable to only those students who take the admission for GATE-2019 at VISHWA.

** “Existing students or Students who are already admitted for GATE 2019 Program at Vishwa are not eligible for “Dr. APJ ABDUL KALAM Scholarship Test For GATE 2019 And 2020″Test .

How to Register?

Just follow the below steps to register for Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship Test For GATE 2019/20.

Step I : Go to the official website of Vishwa through the URL provided above.

Step II : Fill the registration form with the following details
1. Select Exam Center [Guntur]
2. Select Stream [EEE/ECE]
3. Select Test Date [12/08/2018]
4. Select Time Slot [10AM to 12PM]
5. Enter your Name [Malavika S]

6. Enter your Mobile Number [Malavika S]
7. Enter your Email Id []
8. Select Exam [GATE]
9. Enter your College Name [SRS Engineering College]
10. Enter your year of passing [2018]
11. Select your Date of Birth [08/21/1997]

12. Upload your Profile Photo
13. Enter the Captcha Image
14. Agree the Terms & Conditions and Click Submit button.

Step III : Please click on proceed to pay to complete registration for the Dr. APJ ABDUL KALAM Scholarship Test.

Step IV : Enter your Card Number, Date of Expiry, CVV Number and Name on the Card to complete your payment.

Refund & Replacement Procedure

** In case, if any student is not able to continue his / her classes due to any reasons, further replacement or Refund is not allowed to the student.
** The students must understand that fee refund is a part the policy of VISHWA, and we strictly follow the refund rules & regulations as mentioned above.

ID. Card

** Each student will be issued an ID card after the payment of full fees. The entry of student into the classes or VISHWA premises will be allowed only with the ID card.
** If the ID card fees receipt of students is lost/misplaced then no duplicate IDcard /fees receipt is issued to him/his.

** The re-issuing of the identity card will depend on the discretion of the management, considering the circumstances in with the ID card was lost.
** If the management decides to re-issue the Duplicate ID card, the student will have to pay an amount of rs200 and one recent passport size photograph.

Study Material

** Study material will be distributed to all the students at office counter. Students must collect their study material as and when the announcements are made.
** Study material will be issued at the office only after showing the ID Card &Entry of study material into ID card is compulsory.

** Study material is provided for the use of candidates who are enrolled with VISHWA and it must not be sold or transferred to other candidates, under any circumstances.

Rules & Regulations

a) Every student is expected to maintain discipline in and outside the classroom. In case of violation of any of the rules & regulation or regulations or discipline, the Institute reserves the right to dismiss any student without refund of fee.

b) All students are required to bring identify card daily in the study material will be given through ID card only.
c) The batch once allotted at the time of admission will be not be changed.

d) VISHWA reserves the right to make any alterations in its programs/fee/faculty/venue of classes without any prior notice to anybody. However, all the changes will be informed to the students accordingly.

e) Students enrolled under classroom courses will not be transferred or shifted to the postal course.
f) VISHWA students are required to submit a photocopy of their IES&GATE admit card.

g) It is mandatory to attach two photographs & a copy of ID proofs with the form at the of admission.(The name and photo of candidate may be published in the list of successful candidates in current or future sessions for promotions of institute).

i) The fee will not be refundable in any circumstance.
j) The students can not get his/her seat replaced with any new student. © 2022

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