IITBBS Central Sector Scholarship Scheme for ST Students Fresh/Renewal 2018-19 : Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Organization : Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar IIT
Scholarship Name : Central Sector Scholarship Scheme Fresh/Renewal 2018-19
Applicable For : B.Tech Students belongs to ST Category
Application Last Date : 30-09-2018
Website : http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/

IITBBS CSS Scheme for ST

Online applications are invited for Central Sector Scholarship Scheme of Top Class Education for Schedule Tribe (ST) for the Academic Session 2018- 19.

Related : Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University 2018-19 Chief Minister Scholarship Scheme : www.scholarships.net.in/24373.html

Who Can Apply?

** Scholarship scheme applicable for B. Tech. (Fresh and Renewal) Students belonging to ST category.

** Total family income from all sources shall not exceed Rs.6.0 lakh per annum.

How to Apply?

Interested applicants are required to apply online in National Scholarship Portal (NSP) through the below mentioned link and upload necessary documents in the online portal.

Apply Here : https://scholarships.gov.in/

After the completion of the process the students have to submit a copy a hard copy of the application along with all relevant documents to the Academic Section positively on or before 1st October 2018 and they should bring the original certificates for verification by the Academic Section

Note : Applications submitted through off line mode will not be accepted.

Documents to be Enclosed

1. Parental Income Certificate in Original for 2018-19 (Fresh) batch and Self certified Income Certificate for Renewal Students.
2. +2 Pass Certificate and Mark sheet (Photocopy) for fresh 2018-19 students and a photocopy of consolidated Transcript of Last Two Semesters for renewal.

3. Photocopy of Aadhar Card.
4. Photocopy of the Caste Certificate
5. Photocopy of Aadhar linked Bank Pass Book with self-attestation.

Important Dates

** Opening Date of Application Registration (For Fresh and Renewal)
** Closing Date of Application Registration (For Fresh and Renewal)


1) All the Fresh Students (studying in first year) should apply in Fresh category in NSP
2) All the renewal students (studying in subsequent years) who have not applied earlier on NSP, should apply in NSP under Fresh category as a Fresh.

3) All the students who have already applied in NSP and have application Id should apply in NSP under Renewal category with same application Id.
4) Application form will be rejected if any student applied for more than one scheme.

5) Students while filling the application should fill only his/her correct bank accounts, IFSC Code, Aadhaar linked number. Ministry will not be responsible for releasing scholarship if above mentioned details are wrong.

6) Students has to upload all the documents on the portal like caste certificate, income certificates, Tuition Fees and Admission Fees (already paid to the Institutes),

7) Students should note following :
i. The amount filled under Misc Fees column / Other Lump sum Entitlement will go to the student’s account directly and the amount filled in Tuition Fees and Admission Fees column will go to the Institute Account.

ii. Student will ensure that Computer fees, books/stationery fees, Living Expenses charges, Non-Refundable charges fees/scholarship amount is entered in the Misc. Fees column/ Other Lump sum Entitlement.

iii) Admission Fees and Tuition Fee will be provided to the institute and in case the student has already paid these fee to the institute, it will be the responsibility of institute to further transfer this amount to the students at the earliest.

Notification :

8) Fee details should be filled by student as per details given below
a) An amount of upto Rs. 45000/- is admissible for student for purchase of Computer/accessories subject to actuals once during the entire course duration.

b) Books/Stationery (Maximum Rs. 3,000/- per annum subject to actuals)
c) Non-Refundable charges (as per Institutes norms)
d) Living Expenses @ Rs. 2200/- per month for students who lives in Institutes (Rs. 26400/- per annum subject to actuals)

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