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Organisation : Telangana Minorities Welfare Department (ePass)
Scholarship Name : Chief Minister’s Overseas Scholarship Scheme For Minorities 2018
Applicable For : Minorities For Abroad Studies
Applicable State : Telangana
Application Last Date : 31-07-2018
Website :

Telangana ePass CM Overseas Scholarship

Registrations for Chief Minister’s Overseas Scholarship Scheme are open.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Telangana ePass Chief Minister’s Overseas Scholarship 2019-20

Financial Assistance under this Scheme for studies abroad will be sanctioned to 500 minority students/graduates per year to pursue Post Graduate/Doctoral studies abroad subject to the following guidelines.

Eligibility Criteria

** Minority students whose family income is less than Rs. 2.00 lakhs per annum from all sources are eligible.
** The maximum age under the scheme shall not exceed 30 years as on 1st July of the year of advertisement

(1) For Post Graduate Course:
60% marks or equivalent grade in foundation Degree in Engineering / Management / Pure Sciences / Agriculture Sciences / Medicine and Nursing / Social Sciences / Humanities.

(2) For Ph.D. Courses:
60% marks or equivalent grade in P.G. course in Engineering / Management / Pure Sciences / Agriculture Sciences / Medicine / Social Sciences / Humanities.

One Child in a family one time Award:
Not more than one child of the same parents / guardians will be eligible and to this effect a self –certification will be required from the candidate.

Countries eligible under the Scheme:
USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and Singapore.

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Mandatory Requirements:
(i) He/ She should have a valid TOEFL / IELTS & GRE / GMAT;
(ii) He/she should have obtained admission in an accredited Foreign University;
(iii) He/she should possess a valid Passport;
(iv) The candidates are required to make their own efforts in seeking admission in accredited University / Institution abroad;
(v) The selected candidate has to join the concerned university within one year of communication of selection.
(vi) The candidate shall not change the course of study or research for which the scholarship has been sanctioned

Application Procedure

The registration shall be made under the scheme online.

Register Online :

Documents Required

The student shall submit the following documents:
** Caste Certificate from Mee Seva;
** Income Certificate from Mee Seva;
** Date of Birth Certificate;
** Aadhaar Card;
** E-pass ID Number;
** Residential / Nativity Certificate;
** Passport copy;
** Mark sheet from SSC/Inter/Graduate/PG Level;
** GRE / GMAT or equivalent qualifying exam / test score card;
** TOFEL/IELTS score card;
** Admission offer letter from Foreign University (I-20, letter of Admission or equivalent);
** Copy of the latest Tax Assessment is to be enclosed;
** Copy of Bank Pass Book of Nationalised Bank;
** Photo to be scanned and uploaded;

Scholarship Amount

(a) Fees:
Fees shall be payable in Two installments as follows:

Installment-I :
An amount of Rs. 5.00 lakhs shall be payable to the students upon production of the landing permit / I-94 Card (Immigration Card);

An amount of Rs. 5.00 lakhs shall be payable to the students upon production of the 1st Semester results.

(b) Sanction proceedings mentioning that Rs. 10.00 lakhs is sanctioned to the individual towards fees and living expenses by way of a grant subject to his / her joining the course, shall be issued to the candidates selected by the Selection Committee.

(c) Education Loan:
The student shall be eligible for an educational loan of Rs. 5.00 lakhs from any Nationalized Bank at prevailing rates of interest;

(d) Earning from Research / Teaching Assistance-ship:
The awardees are permitted to supplement their prescribed allowances by undertaking Research / Teaching Assistantship;

Last Date

Last date for Registrations is 31-07-2018

Add a Comment
  1. I got admitted for fall 2019. When will the registration open for scholarship?

    1. My daughter got the admission for MS in Texas for January 2019. When will be the registration open for Chief Minister’s Overseas Scholarship Scheme?

  2. Please tell me, when is the next expected date for filing an application of overseas scholarship?

  3. Please tell me the last date to apply for PG scholarship.

  4. I want to pursue my degree in Canada and also got my offer letter, Can I get this scholarship?

  5. Shivaraj Rajendrappa

    I have scored 588 out of 625 in SSLC. My register number is 20180554561. I need scholarship.

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