Educational Stipend : Rubber Board

Organization : Rubber Board
Scholarship Name : Educational Stipend
Applicable For : Children of Rubber Plantation Workers
Applicable States : All India

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Educational Stipend :
Short title and commencement
This may be called the Educational Stipend Sub Component for the Children of Rubber Plantation Workers. This will be in operation during the current financial year. It shall include all amendments, additions / deletions that may be made thereto by the Board from time to time.

** Course means any course recognised by the government in the country.
** For the purpose of the scheme, ‘Estate’ means any area/areas admeasuring to not less than 0.40 hectare planted with rubber or planted with not less than 150 rubber trees.
** Hostel means hostel attached to any Educational Institutions or hostel which provides accommodation to students at approved tariff.
** Institution means any educational institution (Government/Private)
** Stipend means lumpsum grant and hostel fee/boarding fee.

Student means:
** Children of rubber tappers in the small holdings and children of tappers / general workers / non supervisory staff / field supervisors of the large sector plantations.
** Children of the workers of the factory situated in the estate.
** Brother / sister / nephew / niece / grant child of such worker wholly depend on him provided that the parents of such brother / sister / nephew / niece / grant child are not alive, or incapacitated to do any work due to old age or remaining unemployed owing to prolonged illness, or
** A student himself working in a plantation not owned by him or by his parents

Worker for the purpose of this scheme would mean:
** Rubber tappers in the small holdings having not less than 0.40 ha and tappers / general workers / non supervisory staff / field supervisors of large sector plantations / workers of the factory situated in the estate. (Applications of factory workers shall be forwarded to the Head Office for sanction after due verification of employment.)
** Who is drawing wages / salary and allowances not exceeding Rs. 5000/- per month, and
** Who is not employed in estates owned by him / husband / wife / parents / sons / unmarried daughters.

Application claiming educational stipend shall be submitted in the prescribed form. The forms can be had from the Rubber Board Head Office or Regional Offices of the Board, free of cost.

Last date for the submission of application for grant of educational stipend:
Application for educational stipend to students studying in Classes VIII, IX, X, XI and XII need be accepted only after three months from the date of commencement of the academic year but before 31st March of the academic year. In the case of other courses, the applications may be accepted within three months from the date of issue of the hall ticket of the semester/annual examination concerned and shall accompany an attested copy of the hall ticket

Applications should reach the Dy. Rubber Production Commissioner of the Regional Office having jurisdiction over the estate in which the worker is employed.

Testimonials to be attached to the applications:
** Certificates in the prescribed form from the owner of the estate about the employment of the worker. If the owner fo the estate refuses to give the employment certificate, it may be issued by the President of the Rubber Producer’s Society / Rubber Board Field Officer concerned, specifying the hectorage of employment servce period and address of the employer.
** Certificeate in the prescribed form from the Head of the Institution.
** Actual Hostel / Boarding fee receipts issued monthly, countersigned by the head of the institution.
** Certificate of theRubber Board Field Officer / President of the Rubber Producer’s Society concerned to the effect that the father and mother of the applicant are not alive or incapacited to do any work due to old age or remaining unexployed owing to prolonged illness (only in cases where the student is not the child of the worker)
** Photocopy of the hall ticket duly attested by a Gazetted Officer (Except for students studying in class VIII, IX, X, XI & XI)

Incomplete Applications:
Applications submitted without complying with the formalities as required in the scheme will be summarily rejected.

Registration Number:
Each application for educational stipend will be allotted a registration number which should be quoted in all correspondence relating to stipend

Withdrawal of Stipend:
Stipend may be withdrawn at any time or suspended for such period as the Chairman / Secretary of the Board may think fit; if a stipend holder has by reason of his own default, failed to make satisfactory progressin his studies or he has been guilty of misconduct.

Any applicant making forged / false claim is liable to prosecution in addition to recovery of the stipend granted


The Chairman may make amendments to the scheme as regards the rates of stipend and eligibility for stipend in special cases, by recording reasons thereto. The Chairman may suitably relax the terms and conditions in favour of workers for the payment of educational stipend in genuine cases.

Old applications alreading pending with the Board for the payment of educational stipend shall be disposed off in accordance with the instruction issued from time to time.

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  • I am a second year medical student and my father is a rubber plantation worker. Am I eligible to apply for the rubber board scholarship scheme?

    • I am a forth year ayurveda medical student and my father is a rubber plantation worker. Am I eligible to apply for the rubber board scholarship scheme? © 2022

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