GATE/GPAT Scholarship : All India Council For Technical Education

Organization : All India Council For Technical Education
Scholarship Name : GATE/GPAT Scholarship
Applicable States: India

Website :

Update : AICTE PG GATE/GPAT Scholarship 2018-19 :

GATE/GPAT Scholarship :

General Instruction For Students:

1. Only Gate/Gpat Qualified Candidates Are Eligible For Gate/Gpat Scholarship
2. Candidates Admitted For Part Time Courses Are Not Eligible For Gate/Gpat Scholarship

For any queries please contact at the helpline numbers (10 AM to 5 PM) 011 23724673, 011 23724675

3. Bank Account Name And Candidate Name Should Be Same
4. Joint Accounts Are Not Permitted For Gate/Gpat Scholarship
5. Gate Candidates Admitted In Engineering And Architecture Program And Gpat Candidates Admitted In Pharmacy Program Alone Are Eligible For Gate/Gpat Scholarship
6. Admissions Before Or After Gate/Gpat Validity Shall Not Be Considered For Gate/Gpat Scholarship
7. Creamy Layer Obc Candidates Who Had Qualified Under Obc Category Are Not Eligible For Gate Scholarship.
8. Candidates Qualified Under Sc/St/Obc (Ncl)/Physically Handicapped Not Having Authentic Certificate Are Not Eligible For Gate/Gpat Scholarship
9. Gate/Gpat Scholarship Shall Be Given From Date Of Commencement Of Classes/Date Of Admission (Whichever Is Later) To Completion Of Courses/Date Of Submission Of Thesis
10. The Gate/Gpat Scholarship Will Be Disbursed For A Maximum Period Of 24 Month Or Till Completion Of Courses/Date Of Submission Of Thesis Whichever Is Earlier

Instructions For Attachments:

A. Recent Authentic Non Creamy Layer Certificate[Ncl] Is Required For Obc Candidates (Not More Than 1 Year Old)
B. Documents In Support Of Sc/St/Obc (Ncl)/Physically Handicapped Certificate Shall Be Attested By The Institute Principal Or Gazetted Officer
C. Sc/St/Obc (Ncl)/Physically Handicapped Certificate Should Be In Hindi/English Otherwise It Should Be Translated And Verified In Hindi/English By Notary Officer Or By The Principal In Institute Letter Head. Student Shall Upload Both Original And Translated Certificate
D. All Other Attachments Shall Be Self Attested By The Candidate.
E. Only Clear And Readable Attachments Shall Be Accepted.

AICTE Helpline Number:
Please send your grievances/queries regarding GATE/GPAT Scholarship at

View Comments (34)

  • I have qualified in GPAT in 2017 with 2284 rank, Due to ignorance, I have opted OBC as my caste while applying for GPAT and now I came to know that in central, I belong to OC category. What should I do to rectify it and to get my stipend regularly?

  • I have an account in SBT which is now converted to SBI. Is there any need for me to upload the changed passbook copy or the previous one is enough?

  • Subject : Stipend Query
    student id : 1-2776816592 of GPAT 2015
    Date of birth : 21/05/1994
    I would like to inform you that I was a student of M.Pharm in Swamy Vivekanandha college of pharmacy 2015-2017. I did not received stipend for the months from July-2017 to September -2017. Moreover I received only partial payment for the month of June 2017. I request you to kindly look into the matter and pay the amount due.

  • I am gate qualified in 2016. I want to join M.Tech in 2017 academic year. Will I get the stipend? Is there any separate process to apply?

  • Please release the fund as soon as possible. I need the scholarship amount as soon as possible.

    • I have qualified GPAT 2016 And now doing M.Pharmacy in aicte approved Institute. I have filled gpat scholarship form as per terms and conditions. But still I don't received scholarship amount for single month.. Please proceed it. My student id is 1-315364009 and date of birth is 10/12/1995.

    • All India Council For Technical Education
      AICTE Helpline :
      For any queries please contact at the following helpline numbers (10 AM to 5 PM)
      AICTE Helpdesk Email-ID :
      Please send your grievances/queries regarding GATE/GPAT Scholarship at helpdesk1[AT]
      Information as provided in the official website of All India Council For Technical Education

  • I have been qualified for GPAT 2016 and now pursuing M Phar from AICTE approved institute. I have applied for GPAT scholarship as per terms and conditions. But I did not get stipend for a single month. Please suggest the solution

  • I have qualified gate in 2016 and I am pursuing M.Tech From SRIST College. My attendance is approved and also my bank account is linked with aadhar card. But still I have not received scholarship. What is the reason?

  • Is there any limitation for GPAT scholarship in rank of candidates, or each qualified students get the GPAT scholarship?

  • Subject: - stipend Query
    Ref:- Enrollment No:-1001100422 of GPAT 2013
    GTU Enrollment No :- 132270804011
    I would like to inform you that I was a student of M.Pharm in L.J. INSTITUTE OF PHARMCY during 2013-2015. I did not received stipend for the month of June-2015 & july-2015. Moreover I received only partial payment for the month of August 2013. I request you to kindly look int to the matter and pay the amount due.

  • I qualified gate 2016 in obc. I have ncl certificate. I don't have obc certificate but I have 3B category certificate. Can I get stipend?

  • The admission process in most of the engineering colleges have just begun. Please kindly extend the verification date as far we have not yet completely enrolled in aicte. Please update exact number of documents required for gate scholarships.

  • Can I apply after last date for GATE scholarship as my university classes are going to start from 20th September and the last date for verification is 15th September.
    University still does not enroll me in AICTE and does not provide me roll no.

  • I am gpat qualified in 2016 and I am filled my caste as OBC as I am having my caste certificate but I am not having non creamy layer certificate. Am I still eligible for gpat scholarship?

  • I cracked gpat exams. We have no clue about the procedure ahead. Kindly let us know about the site where we can get notifications regarding the procedures. We tried calling helpline number and nobody was ready to help.

  • I cracked GPAT 2016. Now I want to do M.pharm from a private college affiliated with AICTE. I belong to SC category. So I want to ask whether I will get the GPAT stipend or not as my college is private. Please tell me..

    Thanks and regards

  • I RAJESH BHIMANI qualified in GPAT-2012, based on Gpat-2012 I did Mpharm in QUALITY ASSURANCE in AR college of pharmacy, v v nagar Gujarat. For that two years I got scholarship from AICTE. Now I qualified GPAT 2015 and taken admissions in another branch of MPharm. Now while registration on AICTE to get fellowship it's showing duplicate error. Legally I should be eligible for fellowship because I qualified Gpat 2015 as well. What will be solution to register in AICTE portal? Please guide me today I am helpless. 

    • Click here for GATE/GPAT Scholarship Student ID Verification tab :

  • Increased gate stipend 12400,
    Is it only applicable to IIT, NIT AND IIITS or to all University's in the India? © 2022

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