Asudev Art Foundation Scholarship 2018 :

Organisation : Asudev Art Foundation
Scholarship Name : Asudev Art Scholarship 2018
Applicable For : First Year Post-Graduate/ Masters of Visual Arts Students
Applicable State : Assam
Application Last Date : 30th September 2018
Website :

Asudev Art Scholarship

Asudev Art Foundation invites scholarship Applications for the year 2018. The ‘ASUDEV ART SCHOLARSHIP’ will be earmarked initially for only one student every year.

Related : Digjyoti Nemi Chand Jain Scholarship 2018-19 :


1. The applicant should be a young and emerging artist under the age of 28(as on 31st December in the year of application).

2. The applicant for this Scholarship must be an Indian Citizen, and a domicile of Assam and currently a residing in India.

3. The applicant should be admitted as a regular first year Post-Graduate/ Masters of Visual Arts, student and enrolled in a leading Indian Institute for Visual Arts accredited by the UGC and Government of India as a full time regular student Outside the State of Assam.

4. A student enrolled in the qualifying year of Post Graduate or Master’s programme in Visual Art may also apply for the scholarship.

5. Any of the following Universities (Suggestive) are only eligible to apply for the scholarship.
** Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat
** Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, West Bengal
** Sir J J Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai
** Benaras Hindu University, Varanasi
** Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi
** Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata
** Government Art College, Kolkata
** College of Art, Delhi
** Department of Fine Arts, Kurukshetra University
** Department of Fine Arts, Aligarh Muslim University
** Government College of Arts, Chandigarh
** Government College of Fine Arts, Chennai
** National Institute of Design, (Any centre)

How to Apply?

Step 1 : Go to the official website of Asudev Art Foundation through the URL provided above.

Step 2 : Then, Scroll the pages down to click Apply button and fill the application form with required details.

Step 3 : Take a print out of the application and the application with all necessary documents should be sent to the following address,

Mr.Anutosh Deb Managing Trustee
‘Asudev Art Foundation’
House No.45 (First Floor)
Barthakur Mill Road
Ulubari Guwahati 781 007

Note : The Completed Applications Should Be Sent Through Registered Post Or Courier So As To Reach Not Later Than 30 September 2018.

Submission Of Application

(Applicants shall send all written material type-written and in pdf. on a DVD.)
** An applicant shall send a maximum of 10 samples (prints of 5″X7″ size) of his/her work and on a CD / DVD only.

You shall also send a hard copy set (Prints) of your works as mentioned above in case the disc does not open. All submission must be verified and certified by your Department Head to be your original and unaided work.

** The CD/DVD containing your latest Curriculum Vitae with (date of birth, complete contact address, email id, and phone numbers), write-up and need for the award and a comprehensive list of works, achievements and any other scholarship/scholarship received.

** Details of Name, Family details, Educational qualifications, contact address, permanent address and residence proof, email id, mobile phone number, landline number and evidence of date of birth, Bonafide certificate from the Faculty pursuing Masters, Performance Report (Previous Qualifying result), Pan card Number, Bank Account Number & Branch address with IFSC Code. (Applicants shall attach self-attested Xerox copies of documents mentioned in application).

** A brief write-up giving details of present academic details and achievements at the time of application (Not more than 300 words).


** Date of Notification Through the Website/ Advertisements/ Faculty announcements / Social Media – 15 August of every year
** Date of Last submission Online – 20 September
** Date of receipt of application forms by Post – 30 September
** Screening & Selection – 05-15 October
** Intimation of Results to the Award winner – 15-20 October
** Award Function in Guwahati Assam – 13 December
** Venue – Gauhati Artists’ Guild Chandmari Guwahati 781 003 Assam India

Selection Process

A selection committee comprising of at least one of the Trustee members, the Secretary & the President, Gauhati Artists’ Guild or any nominated Executive member of Gauhati Artists’ Guild and two or three eminent personalities as mutually consented by the Trustee and Gauhati Artists’ Guild shall select the award winner on a mutually decided consensus on the basis of applicant’s Academic Merit and Individual achievements.

Terms & Conditions

** If a candidate has applied for the award earlier, he/she must submit a new body of work and re-apply in any consecutive year.
** The application will be disqualified if more than 10 images are submitted with the application.

** The ‘ASUDEV ART SCHOLARSHIP’ winner shall present one of his/her Art Work (Exhibition ready) to the ‘ASUDEV ART FOUNDATION’ as a souvenir for its permanent collection of the ‘ASUDEV ART FOUNDATION’.

** A recent certificate from your Department Head & Dean, certifying your Academic performance and recommendations and a Character & antecedent certificate must be submitted in Original.

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