Organisation : GSB Scholarship League
Scholarship Name : Free & Foreign Loan Scholarship 2018
Applicable For : School/College/Diploma & Professional Students
Application Last Dates : 15th July, August, September and October 2018
Website :
GSB Scholarship League
Every year in April-May, announcement is published in local newspapers in the districts inviting applications from needy students for free scholarship.
Related : Next Genius Scholarship Program 2018-19 :

Free Scholarship
During the year 2017-18, the League has disbursed free scholarship of Rs 108.37 lacs among 4084 students which includes about 2,000 school students from villages and towns. Each school student received Rs.1,000 per annum. Of the total beneficiaries, 2043 were girl students.
The League has a scheme of giving preferential treatment to girl students in one or more categories depending on funds availability and without creating a precedent, at the sole discretion of the Managing Committee. This scheme is intended to encourage the girl students to continue education. Free scholarship scheme is presently the main activity of the League.
Who Can Apply?
** Students of schools and colleges are awarded free scholarship from standard 5 at school level up to the Degree / graduate level.
** Freeship is granted to needy and deserving students of G.S.B. community, whose parents are unable to fully meet student’s expenses on education.
** The League presently DO NOT give free scholarship to post graduate courses ( M.A., M.Sc./ MCA etc )
How To Apply?
** On request, application form is sent by post. It may also be collected from the League’s office.
** Filled in application form along with the supporting enclosures must reach the Leagues office by the due date as stated above in this form, only by post / by hand delivery.
** The form is revised each year as necessary.
** Application Form of previous years is NOT valid this year.
Foreign Loan Scholarship
The Corpus for Foreign Loan Scholarship (at the end of March 2018) is only Rs.13 lakhs (Rs. 1.3 million). The League grants a loan scholarship of Rs.2 lakhs (Rs.0.2 million) per student. Hence, at a time, we can help six students for studying abroad.
Due to the small Corpus we decline help to many aspiring GSB students. We propose to increase this Corpus to Rs. 1 crore (Rs.10 million).
We solicit Endowments to enable increase in the quantum of scholarship and also to increase the number of beneficiaries. This fund is revolving in nature. Repayments are ploughed back into the Fund. The donor to this fund is eligible to claim tax relief under section 80G.
Important Dates
Last date for receipt of applications,
** For School V to X standards only 15th July 2018
** For PUC / JR.College 15th August 2018
** For Degree (BA / B.Sc / B.Com) & Diploma 15th September 2018
** For BE / B.Arch / B.Pharm / MBBS 15th October 2018
Contact Address
The GSB Scholarship League,
Dwaraknath Bhavan,
Katrak Road, Wadala,
Mumbai – 400031
View Comments (6)
I am a BCA student, how can I get the scholarship?
I am a BE student. How can I get apply for this scholarship?
I am a student of B.Com . How can I get the scholarship form?
I want scholarship form for PUC, where can it be available.
I am a student of B.Ed. Can I get this scholarship?
I am a student of class XI. Can I get GSB Scholarship?