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Clinic Plus 2018 Scholarship For Girls Karnataka :

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Organization : Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) & Vijay Karnataka
Scholarship Name : Clinic Plus Scholarship Offer 2018
Applicable For : Residents of Karnataka
Application Last Date : 10th June, 2018
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Clinic Plus Scholarship

Clinic Plus in partnership with Vijay Karnataka is offering a scholarship to to residents of Karnataka.

Who Can Participate?

** Students must be a residents of Karnataka.
** Girl students studying classes VI – X are eligible.

How To Participate?

To participate in this Offer, a consumer needs to:
1) Write an essay in 500 words on the topic mentioned in ad on the offer in Vijay Karnataka between 10th May, 2018 and 10th June, 2018

2) Send in the entries by post on the below address between 10th May, 2018 and 10th June, 2018

Vijaya Karnataka,
Clinic Plus Scholarship Division,
4, KCCF Compound,
Pampa Mahakavi Road,
Chamrajpet, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560018

Selection Process

A total of 50 girl winners in Std. VI – X shall be selected by a system of quality of the essay, which shall be conducted by a panel of eminent third-party judges. 100 essays will be shortlisted for a personal interview with panel of eminent third party judges and the best 50 shall be declared winners.

Scholarship Amount

The winners shall win Rs.20,000 in cheque.

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Terms & Conditions

** Employees, officers, directors and their immediate family members of the Hindustan Unilever Limited (“HUL”) are not eligible to enter.
** Entries may only be submitted by individual Participants. Group entries will not be accepted.
** Entries not submitted in accordance with the applicable instructions in relation to this Offer and the terms and conditions herewith, shall not be considered for the Offer and HUL shall bear no responsibility for any such entries.
** Participants of the Offer grant unequivocal permission to HUL and its agents to store the photographs of the participants subject to the privacy policy of HUL.
** It is understood that the limited liability of HUL shall be to ensure that the winners receive the aforementioned prize of Rs.20,000/- in cheque.
** HUL shall be at liberty to ask for such documents or proof as it deems fit to ascertain the identity of the winner.
** To be able to receive the abovementioned prize of Rs.20,000/- in cheque, the Winner, shall have a valid address and updated contact details with HUL, and either a pan card or an aadhar card for identity purposes.
** By participating in this Offer, the participant also agrees to receive further communication or intimations, though sms / call / e-mail from HUL, with respect to surveys, promotions, offers, or advertisements for HUL or its various brands and products.
** Prizes are non-transferable, and are offered on a ‘NO EXCHANGE’ basis.
** This offer of HUL cannot be clubbed with any other offer or contest being run by Clinic Plus or HUL in any manner.
** Prize recipients must, at HUL’s request and free of any charge, participate in any promotional activity  surrounding the receiving of the prize or in relation to the Offer and she consents to HUL using her name and image in any promotional material or activity

Add a Comment
  1. Please can you say, when the result are being announced.

  2. It has been a few months, since the application closed but yet the result has not declared. May I know the reason, Why?

  3. Please send all pictures of clinic plus program held in 7.7.2018.

  4. I have sent my essay, now I want to know about my status. When are you going to announce the result?

  5. Please upload the winners name.

  6. I want to know the result of essay writing.

  7. Please inform, when will you announce the results.

  8. I am waiting for the results. When will you announce the results? Please announce it.

  9. Please announce the result soon.

  10. Please reply, when will the result announce.

  11. Please reply, when will you announce the results? Please announce it soon, I am eagerly waiting.

  12. Kindly inform, when they are going to announce the result?

  13. I kindly request you to announce the result.

  14. Jayashree Doddamani

    At which date, you are going to announce the result? Please tell me.

  15. Please tell me, when the results are going to be announced.

  16. I am eagerly waiting for the result. When will you announce the result?

  17. Please tell me, when the result is going to be announced.

  18. I want to know, when are you going to announce the results?

  19. Please clarify, when are the results going to announce?

  20. In the newspapers, it is mentioned that the last date is 20/06/2018 but in the website, it is 10/06/2018. Please clarify.

  21. I am an applicant of Clinic Plus Scholarship 2018. When are you going to announce the results?

  22. I saw last day as 15-6-2018 in newspaper but here, you have mentioned as 10th. Please clarify asap.

  23. Please intimate, when will you announce the result?

  24. I want to participate in this contest and I want to write this essay on my favorite topic. So please reply for my question that, In which language we should write the essay and will the contest end on 15th June?

  25. Please reply me, where do we get the application form.

  26. Please reply, can we write essay in English?

  27. It is mentioned in the news paper that the last date is 15th June and in the official website, the last date is 10th June. Please clarify, which is right?

  28. Kindly reply, can I write my essay in Kannada?

    1. Yes, you can write.

  29. I have applied for Clinic Plus Scholarship. When will you announce the result?

  30. Please clarify, can we write this essay in any language and Can we send this through email?

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