Capital First MBA Scholarship 2018-20 :

Organisation : Capital First Limited
Scholarship Name : Capital First MBA Scholarships 2018-20
Applicable Last Date : 15-07-2018 (Date is Extended)
Applicable For : Studies in India & Indian Nationals only
Website :

CFL MBA Scholarship

The scholarship program provides financial assistance to meritorious students from the economically weaker sections of the society so that they can afford admissions into reputed institutions who offer an MBA degree or its equivalent.

Related / Similar Scholarship :
Capital First CFL Scholarship 2017-18

Scholarship Criteria

An applicant must
** Be a citizen of India
** Be pursuing/applying to an MBA degree program or equivalent at a reputed institution in India during the academic year 2018-19
** Have annual family income less than INR 6 Lac from all sources

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Capital First MBA Scholarships 2018-20.

Step 1 : Go to the official website of Capital First Limited provided above and click the Apply Now button in the home page.

Step 2 : If you meet the eligibility criteria you can create an account by providing your username and email address. For that click ‘Register with your Email’ link.

Step 3 : Then, you are required to provide your personal details to complete the registration process.
1. Select your Role [Student]
2. Select your Class [12th Passed]
3. Enter your First Name [Aparna]
4. Enter your Last Name [Devi]

5. Enter your Mobile Number [9876543210]
6. Enter your Email Id []
7. Enter your Password
8. Confirm your Password and Click Register Now button

Step 4 : Once the application is submitted, an applicant number will be generated through which you can track your application status.

Step 5 : Applications will be reviewed by Capital First Limited and the final intimation will be sent through mail to your registered email address.

Forgot Password?

Enter your e-mail address and Click Send button. New Password will be sent to your registered email id.

The candidates who are selected for the Scholarship will be intimated by CFL via email.

Important Information :
** The amount of the scholarship will be only towards the books and tuition fees of the course.
** The final disbursement of the scholarship will be based on the submission of fee receipt evidencing part payment by the applicant.

Terms & Conditions

The Scholarship shall be cancelled/ discontinued forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid shall be recovered, if
(a) A student is found to have obtained a Scholarship by false statement/ certificates.

(b) A student violates any of the terms and conditions of the Scholarship.
(c) A student does not attend classes of the course or is found to be in violation of the Institutes’ Rules and Regulations.

(d) Fails to obtain and maintain minimum performance/passing standard as required by the University Authorities and/or affiliates.
(e) Any misconduct on the part of the beneficiary, decision whereof will be at the sole discretion of the Selection Panel of CFL

For any difficulty in the application process, candidates can write to csr [AT]

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