Google India Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship 2019 :

Organisation : Google India
Scholarship Name : Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship 2019
Applicable For : UG Students & Holders Batch 2018-19 and 2019-20
Application Last Date : 15-09-2019 (Date is Extended)
Website :

Google Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship

In honor of Venkat’s memory, we are offering scholarships in India to students who are passionate, ever optimistic, and want to use computer science to make the world a more sustainable place.

Related : Vidyasaarathi ACC Scholarship 2019 :

Who Can Apply?

To be eligible to apply, applicants must
** Be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student in a college/university in India, for the 2018-19 and 2019-20 academic year

** Be currently pursuing a degree in computer science, computer engineering or a closely related technical field
** Any employee of Google Inc. including its affiliates and subsidiaries are not eligible to apply for Google scholarships.

** Persons who are
(1) residents of embargoed countries,
(2) ordinarily resident in embargoed countries or
(3) otherwise prohibited by applicable export controls and sanctions programs may not apply for this scholarship.

Note :
The Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship is a one-time scholarship. While past applicants are encouraged to reapply, unfortunately, past recipients of any Google scholarship, including the Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship, are not eligible to apply.

Application Process

To Apply for the Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship 2019 you have to Submit the following details,

1. Write an essay (300 words maximum) to tell us about the following
** How do you plan to use computer science to make the world a more sustainable place?
** If you receive this scholarship, how will you use it to advance your passion and the goals of this scholarship?

2. Write an essay (250 words maximum) to tell us about the following
What adversity have you faced, and how did it impact your career? Please explain the steps you took to overcome it.

3. Submit a video (1 minute maximum) telling us why you would like to receive this scholarship. Please upload it on YouTube and share the link in the application.

4. Submit your resume/CV. Be sure to include your experience in the area of computer science, as well as your leadership experiences and the impact you have created.

5. Submit 2 letters of recommendation. They can be from your faculty or supervisors at your workplace (internship, part-time job, full-time job).

How to Apply Online?

For Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship online registration just follow the simple steps mentioned below.

Step 1 : Go to the following link to apply for scholarship.

Apply Online :

Step 2 : Then fill the following details and Click Next button
1. Enter Your First name * [Diya]
2. Enter Your Last name * [Ananya]
3. Select Your Gender * – Female/Male/Third Gender/Choose not to disclose

4. Enter Your Email * []
5. Enter Your Phone number * [9999999999]
6. Enter Your Permanent Address * [123, Sri ML Subbaraju Rd, Shanthala Nagar, Sampangi Rama Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka]

Step 3 : Next enter your Academic Information and Click Next button
7. Enter Your University/College name * – Please write the full name of the college [SRS University]

8. Enter Your City where the college is located * [Chennai]
9. Enter Your State where the college is located * [Tamil Nadu]
10. Enter Your Current major * – Example – Computer Science [B.E CSE]

11. Select Your Current Degree * [Bachelors]
12. Select Your Expected month of graduation * [April]
13. Select Your Expected year of graduation [2019]

Step 4 : After that You will need to upload a .pdf of your resume to Google drive. Please name the file with your full name.

Step 5 : Then ask your recommenders to email the letters (pdf format) to venkatmemorialscholarship [AT] They should list your full name in the subject line in the following format “Reco letter for <your full name>”.

Step 6 : Answer the Additional Questions.

Step 7 : Agree the Terms & Conditions and finally click Submit button to complete your Application.

Terms & Conditions

** Applicants will be selected based on the overall strength of their essays and application materials compared to the entire applicant pool.

** The Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship award of 750 USD must be spent on tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment required for the students’ classes at their primary university.

** Scholarship recipients may also be awarded a grant of 225 USD towards developing the local community in areas of computer science, upon submitting a proposal.

Categories Foundation/ Trust

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