Degree Scholarship Moga : Sardarni Gurdial Kaur Educational Trust

Organization : Sardarni Gurdial Kaur Educational Trust
Scholarship Name : Degree Scholarship
Applicable For : +2 Passed Students
Applicable Place : Moga, Punjab

Website : sgketrust [dot] org
Apply Online : sgketrust [dot] org

Degree Scholarship:
The trust provides 45 scholarship of Rs. 1000-/ each on monthly basis, for the students entering the four year / five year degree course after passing XIIth grade examination from the Boards recognized by the Punjab government.

Conditions for Allotment of Scholarship:
** The applicant should be a resident of Moga district of Punjab.
** He/She must have rural background i.e. parents of the candidate must have been residing in the rural area for the last seven years or the candidate must have completed the high school and secondary education from a rural school.
** He/She must have passed the +2 examination from P.S.E.B, C.B.S.E, I.C.S.E or any other such board securing at least 60%marks in science stream.
** He/she must have appeared and passed the AIEEE / PMT / C.E.T etc examination in the corresponding year.
** He/she must pursue regular four-year degree course (or plus) in any professional college in India.

Documents required at the time of Interview:
** The candidate must bring the following original documents with one photo copy.
** Matriculation examination pass certificate.
** The 10th, 10+2 grade detail marks sheet.
** Ranking proof in the competive examination.
** Proof of resident of Moga district.
** Rural background proof.
** Proof of admission.

** Each student qualified and entitled for scholarship will submit result (marks sheet) to the trust on the contact address at the end of each Term/ Semester/ professional.
** Any student who obtains less than 60% marks in any term shall become ineligible for the scholarship and his/her scholarship discontinued.

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