ANTSE 2017 Result Ajmal National Talent Search ANTS Examination

Organisation : Ajmal Foundation
Announcement : Result
Talent Search Exam : ANTSE 2017 Ajmal National Talent Search (ANTS) Examination
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Ajmal Foundation Result ANTSE

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It is for information to all the students & guardians of ANTS examination 2017 that the ANTSE result bulletin, certificates, cash awards and other necessary documents will be sent to all the concerned examination centres after the second week of September. Therefore, all are cordially requested to contact with their concerned exam centres in due time to collect their respective awards and certificates.

We, on behalf of the Board of ANTS Examination, express our deep gratitude to the Zonal and District coordinators, Examination Centre-in-Charges, Centre Coordinators, Examiners, Invigilators, Head Examiners, Zonal Officers, Tabulators and all concerned for their help and co-operation in the smooth conduct and timely declaration of results of the AJMAL NATIONAL TALENT SEARCH EXAMINATION, 2017.

Cash Awards & Scholarships

AJMAL TOPPERS (80 Ranks from Class III to X and 6 Ranks from HS to Degree)
1. The 1st rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.5000.00.
2. The 2nd rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.4500.00.
3. The 3rd rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.4000.00.
4. The 4th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.3500.00.
5. The 5th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.3000.00.
6. The 6th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.2500.00.
7. The 7th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.2000.00.
8. The 8th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.1700.00.
9. The 9th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.1500.00.
10. The 10th rank holder in each class will be awarded Cash Award and scholarship of Rs.1000.00.

At the level of each centre the top three performer will be awarded @ Rs 400, Rs 350 and Rs 300 respectively.

20% of Candidates from each centre on the basis of marks (In the context of that centre only) will be awarded a “Promizer prize” @ Rs 200 per candidate. The 20% includes other position holder, if any, from “Ajmal Toppers” and “Ajmal Achievers” Ranks. The “promizer prize” is to encourage students from every centre especially, thoes from rural areas to get interested in competative examination.

NOTE: The Candidates of above categories will be awarded cash prizes and merit certificates. Moreover, participation certificate will be provided.

About ANTS Exam

The AJMAL NATIONAL TALENT SEARCH (ANTS) EXAMINATION has assumed significance as a popular talent search examination in North East India. The aim of ANTS Examination is to identify the extraordinarily brilliant students and to encourage them through cash awards and other incentives to further improve and hone their talents.

Conducted by the AJMAL FOUNDATION, a Hojai based registered public charitable trust whose allied activities for the cause of education include award of scholarship to meritorious students, financial assistance to the educational institutions and poor students, organizing coaching classes for competitive examinations, health care, relief and rehabilitation, environmental promotion etc. © 2022

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