Marga Schulze Merit Scholarship For Higher Education 2015 : All India Confederation of the Blind

Organization : All India Confederation of the Blind
Scholarship Name : Marga Schulze Merit Scholarship For Higher Education 2015
Applicable For : Visually Challenged Female Students
Applicable States : All india
Application Last Date : 31st August 2015

Website :
Application Form:

Marga Schulze Merit Scholarship For Higher Education 2015:
We are pleased to inform you that it has been decided to continue the Marga Schulze Merit Scholarship Scheme for the academic year 2014-2015.

Update : AICB Marga Schulze Merit Scholarship 2018 :

Last year we could help 132 visually challenged girls studying in Universities and Colleges at different levels. This scholarship scheme is applicable to V.I. female students studying at graduate/post graduate levels in the country barring South Indian States as well as Maharashtra, Goa, Daman and Diu. Selected students are given Rs. 1000 per month at graduation level, Rs. 1250 for B.Ed. courses and Rs. 1500 per month for master degree, PhD. etc.

Eligibility criteria for applying this scholarship is given below:
** At graduation level at least 60% marks should have been secured by the applicant in the previous examination
** At B.Ed. level at least 55% marks should be secured by the student in the previous examination
** At master’s degree 55% marks are necessary in the previous year’s examination
** Application form duly supported by its enclosures should be received in this office by 31st August and it should be recommended by the college principal/university authority

You are requested to give this information wide publicity so that needy and eligible visually impaired girl-students can make use of this scheme.

Attested copies of documents to be attached:
1. Certificate of Date of Birth
2. Attested copies of Certificate/Degree and mark sheets of the previous examination
3. Certificate of blindness issued by a Government Hospital
4. Passport size photograph

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