: Vedica Scholars Programme For Women 2015-16

Organization : Vedica Foundation
Scholarship Name : Vedica Scholars Programme For Women 2015-16
Applicable For : Women
Applicable States : All India

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Vedica Scholars Programme For Women:
1. Who is eligible for the programme?:
Achievement-oriented women with an undergraduate degree are eligible to apply for The Vedica Scholars Programme. While we encourage fresh graduates, some work experience is an added advantage.

Update : Vedica Scholars Programme For Women 2019-20 :

2. If the medium of instruction in my institution was other than English, am I still eligible for the programme?:
Yes, you are eligible. However, you should be able to converse, read and write in English given that the medium of instruction of the Vedica programme is English.

3. How do I apply to Vedica?:
You can apply online by registering yourself on the website.

4. What is the application process?:
The application process is as follows:
** Sign up to fill the Application Form
** Submit the Application Form (including short essays) online
** Submit letters of reference, transcripts, resume
** Interview by the Vedica Panel

** Download the Application Form
** Fill up and mail the Application Form to the address provided in the Contact section
** Attach letters of reference, transcripts, resume
** Interview by the Vedica Panel

5. How do I send in my academic transcripts/mark sheets, resume, other documents and photographs required as part of the application?:
You have to upload all documents with the online application or attach copies of the documents with the printed application form.

6. When does the application process for admission to the programme start and end?:
Vedica is accepting completed applications and conveying admission decisions on a rolling basis beginning 7th April, 2015. You will find the admissions schedule on the website.

7. When will I hear about the status of my application?:
The status of your application will be communicated to you via e-mail as the process evolves.

8. Does the entire application need to be completed within one session?:
No. You can complete the online application in multiple sessions and have the option to save parts of the application as you proceed.

9. Do I also need to submit a printed copy of the application form once I have submitted it online?:
No. We will not require you to send a printed copy of the application form if you have applied online.

10. Can I re-apply?:
Yes. You can re-apply. Please note that you cannot reapply within the same academic year. You have to submit a fresh application.

11. Will I receive an acknowledgement of my application by email?:
Yes, you will receive an acknowledgment of your application by email on completion.

12. Where will the admission interviews be held for the shortlisted candidates?:
Shortlisted candidates for Vedica will be interviewed in New Delhi.

13. How many students would you be admitting in 2015-16?:
The Founding Class will consist of 60 Vedica Scholars.

14. What kind of trainings/internship would I be exposed to?:
The Vedica Scholars Programme offers a unique ‘Shadow a Woman CEO’ module. As a part of this programme, each Scholar will work closely under a woman leader in any part of the country for 4 weeks. Apart from this module, the programme will conduct seminars and workshops on varying skills related to management practice over the course of 18 months.

15. Are there opportunities to be placed immediately by the committee as soon the course finishes?:
The Vedica Scholars Programme offers full career support and assured placement to its Scholars.

16. Will I get a certificate after the completion of the programme?:
The Vedica Scholars Programme will provide you with a certificate of completion at the end of the 18-month programme. This will be awarded by the Vedica Foundation and the Sri Aurobindo Centre of Arts and Communication (SACAC).

17. How long is the commitment for being a Vedica scholar?:
The Vedica Scholars Progaramme is an 18-month, full-time, residential postgraduate programme.

18. Can I work while the programme is going on?:
No. You cannot be a full-time or part time employee during the rigorous 18 month programme.

19. Where are the classes being held?:
The campus for The Vedica Scholars Programme will be located at the Sri Aurobindo Centre of Arts and Communication (SACAC), Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, Adhchini. It is a beautiful and green space in South Delhi, with resources and facilities easily available for students.

20. Where will the hostel be located?:
The residential building for Vedica scholars will be one kilometre away from the campus in Katwaria Sarai, the hub of student living. It is a well-equipped, secure living space that will be provided to students on a twin-sharing basis, with meals provided three times a day.

21. What is the fee structure of the Programme?:
The total fee amount for a Vedica Scholar in the Founding Batch is Rs. 7.35 lakhs, plus applicable taxes. There is an initial deposit to be paid on accepting the offer to join the Programme, after which the remaining fee amount is to be paid in four instalments over the course of 18 months.

22. Who will receive the Vedica Scholarship?:
The decision to award the Vedica Scholarship to three deserving candidates will be decided once the students of the Founding Class have been finalised. This decision will be based on merit as well as financial need and will be communicated to the candidates before the start of the Programme.

23. How will our mentor for the ‘Shadow a Woman CEO’ Programme be decided? Do they pick us, or do we pick them?:
Mentors will be recruited from a wide variety of fields and will be assigned to you based on your academic or professional background and career aspirations. There are people who have very specific interests and in those cases, it will be a match. For instance, if somebody wants to run a social enterprise, then they are likely to be matched with somebody who runs a social enterprise, if that’s what they want.

The Vedica Scholars Programme
(Offered jointly by the Vedica Foundation and Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts and Communication)
Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts & Communication Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, Adchini New Delhi – 110017

Contact no: +91-9643984938
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