jksocialwelfare.nic.in Pre-Matric Scholarship : Jammu Kashmir Social Welfare

Organisation : Jammu Kashmir Social Welfare Department
Scholarship Name : Pre-Matric Scholarship
Applicable State : Jammu Kashmir
Website :https://jksocialwelfare.nic.in/

JK Social Welfare Pre-Matric Scholarship

Under the Scheme Scholarships are provided for the benefit of the Children belonging to Schedule Caste, Physically Handicapped and Other Backward Class and to the children whose parents are engaged in unclean occupation.

Related : Jammu Kashmir Social Welfare Financial Assistance To Gad Hanjis : www.scholarships.net.in/21090.html

The Scholarship is given to the students enrolled in class one and up to class 10th. The scholarship is given only for nine working months of academic year. The scheme is funded on co-sharing basis that is 50 % of the total expenditure is borne by the Govt. of India as Central Assistance and 50 % by the State sanctioning authority consists of following members

1. District Development Commissioner – Chairman
2. District Social Welfare Officer – Member secretary
3. Chief Education Officer – Member


Under this scheme, the amount of scholarship provided to the students ranging from Rs 50/- per month to Rs 200/- per month.

Rate of Scholarship

The Rate of Scholarship are as following

Class Rate of Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
Minimum Attendance Reqd %age of Marks Requd in Last Exam
1st to 5th Rs 50/- PM (For Boys)
Rs 75/- PM (For girls)
6th to 8th Rs 100/- PM (For Boys)
Rs 150/- per month (For girls)
80% 50% and above
9th to 10th Rs 150/- PM (For Boys)
Rs 200/- PM (For girls)
80% 55%and above

Eligibility Criteria

** For SC students there is no income bar
** For OBC and Physically Handicapped students, Parental income does not exceed 2100/- PM.
** Minimum Attendance required 80%.

Documents Required

** Income certificate
** Caste certificate
** Incase of physically Handicapped students, disability certificate from medical Officer.
** In case of students who’s parents are engaged in un-clean occupation the candidate has to submit the certificate that at least one parent is engaged in un clean occupation.

How To Apply?

Students have to apply to the head of the institute in a proper application form.

Whom To Contact?

Head of the Institute.

About JK Social Welfare :
The Social Welfare Department came into existence in the State of J&K in the year 1960. It plays an important role in addressing problems of weaker sections of the society, Like Old Age Persons, Women in Distress, Physically Challenged People, Mal-Nourished children Lactating and expecting women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and other Economically Weaker Sections of the Society.

The role of the Social Welfare in fulfillment of this commitment thus becomes important among the various sections and classes of our population, there is lot of deprivation and neglect and the Social Welfare Department has to be instrumental for removing the distress of these sections through amelioration and anti- poverty measures.

Categories Jammu & Kashmir
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