SOIL India 1 Yr PGP Scholarships 2018 : School of Inspired Leadership

Organisation : School of Inspired Leadership
Scholarship Name : 1 Yr PGP Scholarships
Application Last Date : 4th February 2018
Website :

SOIL 1 Yr PGP Scholarships

In order to encourage and support students with limited means, SOIL offers Scholarships to deserving students.

Related : SOIL Need & Merit Based Scholarships 2018 :

The number of seats under the scholarship category is limited. Students seeking scholarships are advised to apply early in the admission cycle as a majority of scholarships are available in the cycle 1 & cycle 2.

Note :
1. If applying under scholarship category, you will have to indicate the same while filling the application form.
2. A separate form – the scholarship form, will be required to be filled for applying for a scholarship. You will be directed to it only if you choose to apply in the scholarship category.
3. The admission will only be offered in case the seats under applied scholarships category are available.
4. No two scholarships can be combined.

Scholarship Type

Scholarship Type Grant Range No. of Individuals Criteria Process
Need-Based Scholarships 2.5-4 lakh Cycle 1: 5 students Applicants with family income (excluding applicant’s income) of less than INR. 5 lakh per annum.

Last drawn salary would be considered for retired family members.

Applicants from family business, entrepreneurial & self-employed background will not be considered.

Applicants who have studied or worked outside India will not be considered.

Scholarships will be granted only after complete verification of applicable documents.

Students will have to submit separate application along with the Admissions application.
Cycle 2: 7 students
Cycle 3: 4 students
Merit-Based Scholarships/ Research Assistantships 2 lakh Cycle 1: 3 students Exceptional Students with proven track record in academics, professional career, extracurricular activities & Admission Process.Top 10 %ile of the class basis admission process will be eligible for the merit-based scholarship. Students will have to submit separate application along with the Admissions application. Please note that students who are awarded the scholarship are expected to work as a “Research Assistant “ for at least 5 hrs per week for 10 months.
Cycle 2: 5 students
Cycle 3: 4 students
Capt. Vikram Batra Scholarship 4 lakh Cycle 1: 2 students Students or their parents must have worked for the Defence Services of India. Students will have to submit separate application along with the Admissions application.
Cycle 2: 2 students
Cycle 3: 1 student
Outstanding Work in NGOs & Non-Profits 1 lakh Cycle 1: 1 student Student must be working in an NGO or Non-profit during the period of applying to SOIL. Students should have worked at the stated NGO or Non-profit for at least one year and must present proof of the same.
Cycle 2: 2 students
Cycle 3: 2 students
SOIL Chopras Scholarship 1 lakh Cycle 1: 1 student Based on the Aptitude Test conducted by Chopras. Students should contact The Chopras to check eligibility & undertake aptitude test.
Cycle 2: 2 students
Cycle 3: 2 students

Application Last Date

Application Last Date for Scholarships: 4th February 2018 © 2022

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