VISHWA APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship Test & Talent Hunt For GATE 2019

Organisation : VISHWA
Scholarship Name : APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship Test & Talent Hunt For GATE 2019
Website :

VISHWA APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship Test

VISHWA conducts scholarship test for students who would like to take admission into one year class room course of GATE+PSUs or IES.

Update : Vishwa APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship Test For GATE 2020 :

Scholarship Test will also help students as a self assessment to check their understanding on subject before actual test. VISHWA always encourages the meritorious students by giving fee concession based on students’ performance in scholarship test.

The fee concession is offered through Scholarship Test ranges from a minimum of 10% to maximum of 75% on the actual fee amount for the students who seek Super Long Term or Long Term GATE admission in VISHWA.

Talent Hunt For GATE 2019

Hall ticket for Talent Hunt for Gate – 2019 will be sent to your registered e-mail id. Test details will be sent your registered Mobile number. At the time of test show the screenshot of the hall ticket and SMS sent to your mobile to invigilator. Student must carry Original College ID card

Terms & Conditions

Students enrolled with VISHWA will have to follow the norms and regulations of VISHWA failing which they might have to bear serious repercussions.

Fees payment

** The students are required to pay the full fees as mentioned in office at the time admission only.
** The fee should be paid through challan or DD or online payment only.

Note: Cheque payment is not accepted

Refund and replacement procedure

** In case, if any student is not able to continue his / her classes due to any reasons, further replacement
** Refund is not allowed to the student.
** The students must understand that fee refund is a part the policy of VISHWA, and we strictly follow the refund rules & regulations as mentioned above.

ID. Card

** Each student will be issued an ID card after the payment of full fees. The entry of student into the classes or VISHWA premises will be allowed only with the ID card.
** For attending the classes student is required to collect his/her ID card from admission department before starting the batch.
** Student without ID card of VISHWA, will not be allowed to enter inside the classroom in any circumstances.
** If the ID card fees receipt of students is lost/misplaced then no duplicate IDcard /fees receipt is issued to him/his.
** Identify card fees receipt of students with full of caution and safety. It is a very important document and a proof of your association with VISHWA.
** The re-issuing of the identity card will depend on the discretion of the management, considering the circumstances in with the ID card was lost.
** Management’s decision regarding the reissue will be final and unquestionable.
** If the management decides to re-issue the Duplicate ID card, the student will have to pay an amount of rs200 and one recent passport size photograph.

Change of batch

** The batch, once allotted at the time of admission, will not be changed. Hence students are advised to discuss batch timings and dates with our counsellors and accordingly join suitable batches convenience.
** Students enrolled under classroom courses will not be transferred or shifted to postal courses.

Study Material

** Study material will be distributed to all the students at office counter. Students must collect their study material as and when the announcements are made.
** After the due dates, VISHWA will not be responsible for any issue related to study material.
** Study material will be issued at the office only after showing the ID Card &Entry of study material into ID card is compulsory.
** Study material is provided for the use of candidates who are enrolled with VISHWA and it must not be sold or transferred to other candidates, under any circumstances.


** Students must attend the classes and Test Series regularly in their assigned batches and as per the scheduled timetable only.
** Students will be solely responsible for their absenteeism from classes/Test series. In case of absenteeism.
** Permission to attend missed classes, in other batches, is subject to the discretion of management and availability of seats.
** In case of absence in Test Series, no separate question will be issued to the students.

General Instructions

** Students are advised to adequate discipline and sincerity within the premises of VISHWA.
** If anyone is found guilty of misbehaving with VISHWA staff or classmates, fighting or any other illegal activity will be debarred from attending classes and strict legal actions will be taken against him.
** VISHWA reserves the right to make any alterations in its programs/fees/faculty/venue of classes without any prior notice to anybody.
** However, all the changes will be well-notified to the students. The decision of VISHWA shall remain the final.
** If there is any change in the syllabus during the course of the program, the institute will make all the possible efforts to cover the revised syllabus.
** However, it is not mandatory binding upon the institute.
** Vishwa continuously put the efforts to complete 100% of course. However due to time constraints, faculty constraints & any other constraints, sometimes it may be possible to complete the whole syllabus.
** Hence, students are requested to seriously consider this matter before taking the admission.c

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