Kota Classes KSAT Scholarship-Cum-Admission Test : kotaclasses.org.in

Organisation : Kota Classes
Scholarship Name : Kota KSAT Scholarship-Cum-Admission Test
Website : http://kotaclasses.org.in/admission-procedure/

Kota Classes Scholarship-Cum-Admission Test

KOTA CLASSES offer admission to those students also, who could not perform well in their board exams and thus want another chance to show case their potential for engineering or medicine as career.

Related : Kota Classes UDAAN Talent Search Scholarship Exam : www.scholarships.net.in/6243.html

Exam Details

For such students we have a provision of an admission test, where we test the basic aptitude of the student. The syllabus of the admission test is different for different courses and can be obtained in detail from the information desk at the applying Centre.

The admission test also gives an opportunity to the student to perform higher and win some scholarship also. A student, who has qualified our direct admission criteria, can also sit for the “Kota Scholarship-Cum-Admission Test (KSAT)” and win himself / herself a scholarship.

About Kota Classes

Kota Classes provides excellent infrastructure & facilities to create an ideal ambiance for effective learning with caring and committed management and administration.

Admission Procedure:
KOTA CLASSES offer direct admission option in all of its courses. The direct admission is provided on the basis of percentage of marks secured by the student in Board Examination.

Each course has a predefined specific percentage admission criterion. Broadly, for any course a student should fulfill percentage requirement for either Science & Math aggregate in class X Board/ SSC examinations or PCB aggregate in class XII Board/ HSC examinations For example, the Two Year Integrated Program for Medical Entrance or Engineering Entrance requires a minimum of 75% marks in Science & Math (Aggregate) in X Board/ SSC.

So a student, who scores more that this percentage requirement, will be given direct admission into our course. However, if a student has not scored above 75% marks in Science & Math in X Boards/SSC, then he/she will have to give our ‘Admission Cum Scholarship Test. Those students who qualify this test are then given admission to the applied course.

Motivational Award:
To boost the confidence of students, we give awards and medals to students on the basis of their Performance in the scheduled test series conducted by us. It’s just an attempt to help students realize their hidden potential.

We will develop individual & academic responsibility. We will prepare all of our students to achieve academically excellent results. We will ensure a safe learning environment. We will give full benefit to the student for the fee he is paying. We will recruit, develop &recognize, a high qualified faculty. We will demonstrate responsibility, efficiency and effectiveness in all operations.

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