Merit Scholarship : People’s College

Organization : People’s College
Scholarship Name : Merit Scholarship
Applicable For : Students
College Location : Odisha

Website :

Merit Scholarship :
The scholarship is awarded on the basis of merit. The minimum eligibility for applying this scholarship is 70% of marks in the aggregate in the annual H.S.C and +2 examinations. The following scholarships and financial assistance are available for the students of this college.

1. Junior Merit Scholarship:
The selection will be made by the Board of Secondary Education, Cuttack according to the marks secured in the H.S.C Examination. The selection letter will be sent directly to the concerned Head Master/head Mistress. Such students after receipt of the form should submit their applications along with Mark sheet in the institution where he/she is admitted.

2. Senior Merit Scholarship:
The selection will be made by the Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), Bhubaneswar according to the marks secured in the +2 examination. The selection letter will be sent directly to the concerned principal such student after receipt of the form should submit their applications along with mark sheet in the institution where he/ she is admitted.

3. National Scholarship:
The details regarding National Scholarship will be published in the daily newspaper after the publication of H.S.C and +2 results. Students are advised to watch the Newspaper from time to time.

4. National Loan Scholarship :
The students who has secured 50% of Marks in the qualifying examination and the annual income of parents as notified by the Govt. from time to time is eligible to apply for the Loan scholarship which amounts to as per Govt. rules.

5. Post Metric Scholarship for SC/ST Students:
Stipends are given to SC/ST Students from the TRW Department, Govt. of Odisha irrespective of marks.

6. Scholarship for the children of Freedom Fighters:
Such Scholarship is awarded to the children of Freedom Fighters.

7. Scholarship for Children of Teachers:
The Scholarship is awarded to the children of primary school teachers; High School Teachers can Secondary Scholl Teachers, whose aggregate marks must be 60% in the H.S.C Examination.

8. Scholarship for orthopedically Handicapped Students:
This Schlorship is awarded to the lame, deaf or Orthopedically Handicapped students whose age should 17 to 30 years. The candidate must have secured at least 40% marks in the annual H.S.C or Higher Secondary School Examination.

9. Post Matric Scholarship for study Hindi :
Those students who have offered Hindi in their matriculation class and / or have passed Parichaya, Kovida etc. and will offer Hindi college as M.I.L or optional or both are given Post Matric Scholarship for Hindi by the Govt. of India. Since Hindi Scholarship is given as a form of incentive to encourage study of Hindi, a candidate in receipt of this Scholarship isa not barred from receiving any other Scholarship irrespective of terms and conditions of those scholarship. (Dy. Director, H.E Scholarship Circular No 29331 Dt. 27.697)

10. Free Studentship:
Full Free Studentship not exceeding 12.5% of the total strength of the College is awarded to students primarily on the basis of merit cum poverty.

11. Rules for Scholar Holder:
i) Students who are in receipt of anyone of the above scholarship are not eligible to get another scholarship without the prior permission of the D.H.E, Orissa. Students are advised to bring their Identity Cards while receiving scholarship.
ii) Scholarship may be withdrawn at any time if the progress or conduct of the scholar is unsatisfactory.
iii) Absence without leave for more than 30 days at a time will result in forfeiture of the scholarship Absence with leave up to 7 days at one time will entitled to loss scholarship.
iv) No financial aid of the College shall be awarded to the students showing misbehavior and misconduct.

Student Concession:
1. Railway / Bus concession is issued to bonafide students of the college for journey in the following process:
i) Going home / native place during vacation.
ii) Going to attend Interview/ competition for educational purpose.
iii) Study tour /excursion in a group.
iv) Season ticket to attend class. (to and fro)

2. To get the concession, student has to apply to the Principal in writing stating the purpose of the journey.

3. The students are required to carry the Identity Card during such journey. © 2022

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