Somaiya Vidyavihar Dr. Meenakshi Rajan Memorial Scholarship

Organisation : Somaiya Vidyavihar
Scholarship Name : Dr. Meenakshi Rajan Memorial Scholarship
Applicable For : Arts Student of KJ or SK Somaiya Vidyavihar
Website :

Somaiya Dr. Meenakshi Rajan Memorial Scholarship

The mission of Humanities Scholarship is to provide students with enlightened liberal arts disciplines with the goal of creating insightful participants in society who are well-rounded, skilled in reading, writing, thought and speech, and who possess an eye for integration of the academics.

Related : Somaiya Vidyavihar Smt Sakarbai Memorial & Mayadevi Need Based Scholarships :

About Dr. Meenakshi Rajan

Somaiya Scholarship for Humanity (Arts) students was established in 2017 in memory of Dr. Meenakshi Rajan. She Joined Somaiya Vidyavihar in 1996 as faculty in the History department, at S.K Somaiya College of Arts, Science and Commerce.

She was very popular with both her colleagues and students and helped start and guide the student newspaper VOICES on the campus. Her vibrant personality was almost contagious as she had a song for every moment and would bring a simple to every face that came in contact with her.

A very well-read and spoken personality, Meenakshi completed her Ph.D from the K.J Somaiya Centre for Buddhist Studies and has authored many papers and books, prominent amongst them being SPRITUAL WARRIORS AND SHRI GURI NANAK DEV: LIFE, TRAVE & TEACHINGS.

Her generous nature made Meenakshi visit Sameerwadi regularly and help teach spoken English to the Help-a-Child students at Somaiya Vidyavihar schools there.

Later, she also took simultaneous charge as Director, International Relations, for Somaiya Vidyavhar. Her untimely demise after a short with Cancer, in 2016, left us all bereft of vivacious personality on campus. Keeping Meenakshi’s love for Somaiya Vidyavihar in mind, her family had decided to establish a fund for Dr. Meenakshi Rajan Memorial Scholarship.

This is to financially assist students of Humanities (Arts students) at Somaiya Vidyavihar, and also the needy and promising students identified by the Help-a-Child initiative of Somaiya Vidyavihar. Somaiya Vidyavihar will always be indebted for this valuable contribution from her family.


** Candidate could be Arts student of KJ or SK somaiya vidyavihar and may be limited to other need based Scholarships & loans.
** Candidates must be applying to Humanity course.
** Candidate must have scored first class in previous academic year.
** Humanities Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of previous academic grades and need.

About Somaiya Scholarship:
SVV / SAV offers you the opportunity to earn a degree in an academically stimulating and diverse community. Making an informed decision on how to fund your education is an essential component in laying the foundation of a meaningful college experience. We are dedicated to working with you to plan this important investment in your future.

These awards are made possible through SVV / SAV endowment funds, tuition revenues and the generous support of our alumni and well-wishers who share SVV’s / SAV’s commitment to investing in our students.

Every year, alumni, faculty, staff, and well-wishers of Somaiya Vidyavihar / Somaiya Ayurvihar provide financial support to ensure that every Somaiya Vidyavihar / Somayia Ayurvihar student has an exceptional educational experience. The scholarships listed on this site celebrate the commitment and generosity of these donors or those in whose honour the funds were created.

Scholarships are awarded based upon criteria that usually reflect the values and purposes or the specific nature of the scholarship. In most cases, to be eligible for scholarships through SVV / SAV, you must apply for them online. © 2022

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