2017-18 Post Matric & CM Scholarship : Social Justice & Empowerment Department

Organisation : Social Justice and Empowerment Department
Scholarship Name : Post Matric & CM Scholarship 2017-18
Applicable For : Students who belong to Rajasthan state
Applicable State : Rajasthan
Application Last Date : 31.01.2018
Website :
Notification :

SJE Rajasthan Post Matric Scholarship

Students who belong to Rajasthan state and have domicile can apply for the scholarship for the academic year 2017-18

Related / Similar Scholarship :
SJE Rajasthan Post Matric & CM Scholarship 2019-20


Last date: 31.01.2018 but submit hard copy of scholarship before 20.01.2018

Students are strongly advised to follow/read Post-Matric & C.M. scholarship’s guideline uploaded on portal before locking their application.

Student’s information filled in online form should be matched with information available in their ERP login, if any discrepancy is found in the name of parent, Domicile address, Aadhar no, Dob, Category etc. in your scholarship application after matching with institute records, the scholarship form will be rejected by the institute.

Required Documents

Students who are eligible for the scholarship kindly consider below points, All the necessary documents should be uploaded on the portal after scanning the original copy.

1. Domicile Certificate (As per Govt of Rajasthan rules, Moolniwas will be uploaded, not institute bonafide)
2. Income certificate in revised format (In case of government employee “Form No. 16” to be attached with new format)
3. Caste Certificate (As per rules)
4. Course codes
5. Fees Structure (Student are advised to enter fees detail head wise given by the SJE department from your fees structure).

Process Flow

Step By Step Process Flow of Scholarship Portal

For Universities Functioning Within Rajasthan :
1. All Universities/Boards/Councils/Directorate etc. are needs to Register themselves through SJE.RAJASTHAN.GOV.IN -> NEW SCHOLARSHIP PORTAL, create Profile and map courses run by them.

2. After getting approval from State Admin of Social Justice and Empowerment Department institutes running under them are able to view name of University and Courses run by them.

Now, Institutes are allowed to submit their applications to concerned University and University is eligible to APPROVE institutes if documents uploaded by them are correct else they are having two options either OBJECT or REJECT.

If they found the documents and information provided by institute is incomplete they can make objections on it and if institute does not belong to Concern University they can reject them. (after rejection by university institute is unable to send request again to concern university)

3. Thereafter students are able to view name of Institute and can apply for Scholarship.

For Institutes Functioning Within Rajasthan :
1. All Institutes are needs to Register themselves through SJE.RAJASTHAN.GOV.IN -> NEW SCHOLARSHIP PORTAL, create Profile and map courses run by them, they can select only such courses which are already mapped by their University and approved by State Admin.

2. After getting approval from concerned University students are able to view name of Institute and can apply for Scholarship.

3. If Institutes are running such courses which are affiliated by two or more different Universities they can map the same with same SSO User ID.

For National Level Institutes Functioning Outside Rajasthan: (LIMITED TO IIT, NIT, AIIMS, NLU, IIIT, IIM etc.)
1. Register themselves over Scholarship Portal through as University
2. Create Profile and Map courses run by them and send online request to State Admin of Scholarship
3. After getting approval from State Admin they have to Register themselves as Institute in the same manner
4. Create Profile and Map courses as per University of their own
5. Get them approved from their own University
6. Then students of your Institute will be able to submit application.

Important Dates

As per SJE instruction last date of filling scholarship on the portal is 31st January 2018 and hard copy of the applicant should be submitted before 20th January 2018 which is mandatory as per order by institute authority.

If hard copy of the application submitted after 20th January 2018 could not be forwarded due to any technical problem, the institute will not be responsible for not submission of application on portal

Scholarship Help Desk

The students have any enquiry regarding portal and found any discrepancy, please mail with snapshot of problem to sjerajasthan [AT]

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