iustlive.com IUST Scholarship For ST Scheduled Tribe Students 2015-16 Fresh & Renewal Jammu & Kashmir : Islamic University of Science & Technology

Organization : Islamic University of Science & Technology
Scholarship Name : IUST Scholarship For ST Scheduled Tribe Students 2015-16 Fresh & Renewal
Applicable For : ST Scheduled Tribe Students
University Location : Jammu & Kashmir
Application Last Date : 14th of August 2015

Website : http://www.iustlive.com/Index/Default.aspx
Notification https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/2024-ST.pdf

Scholarship For ST Students :

Consequent upon the Notification published in the daily Greater Kashmir on 30th of May 2015 by the Directorate of Tribal Affairs J&K Srinagar regarding the identification of the students belonging to Scheduled Tribe (ST) Community for both (Fresh and Renewal cases) for the year 2015-16.

Related :
NMCC Merit & Adhi Dhravida Scholarship Marthandam : www.scholarships.net.in/2118.html

Applications are invited from the eligible bonafide students of IUST as follows

Eligibility Criteria:
The total annual household income of the candidates family should not exceed INR 2,50000/= (Two Lakh Fifty Thousand Only).

The Application Forms, duly recommended by the respective Heads of the Institution, should be accompanied with the attested certificates / documents mentioned hereunder:
1. Permanent Resident Certificate.
2. Parents/ Guardians Income Certificate (In Original) from the Concerned Tehsildar in case of students whose Parents / Guardians are Non-Government Employees. In case of Government Employees, Salary Certificate issued by the concerned Drawing and Disbursing Officers is to be attached. The Income Certificate should be of current year with dispatch No. and Date of the concerned office.
3. Category Certificate (Scheduled Tribe) issued by the Competent Authority.
4. Attested copies of Certificates of Educational Qualifications including matriculation as mentioned in para 12 & 13 in the Application Form.
5. Hosteller or Non Hosteller Certificate issued by the institution (in original).
6. Fee receipts issued by the University in original.
7. Affidavit by the student as per Specimen given in the Application Form.
8. Duly attested promotion certificates, if the student has passed the previous examination for which Scholarship is already receiving (Renewal Cases).
9. Attested photocopy of Pass Book of the student with 16 digit account number.

Important Instructions:
The Application Form will be rejected in case it is deficient in 16 digit Personal Bank Account Number and if it possess wrong Bank Details and any sort of tampering in the Application Form.

Important Dates:
Availability of the Application Forms : 10th of June 2015
Last date of Submission of Application Forms : 14th of August 2015

In this regard, all the Heads of the Departments are hereby impressed to kindly inform all the eligible students studying in their respective departments about the same. The Scholarship Form can be downloaded from the University Website www.iustlive.com. The filled in Application Form complete in all respects duly recommended by the concerned Head of the Department may be forwarded to office of the undersigned before the last date as specified above. In case of any clarification the students may further be advised to contact the office of the undersigned at their earliest, please.

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