UGC NSP PGS 2017-18 Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship For Single Girl Child : University Grants Commission

Organisation : University Grants Commission (UGC)
Scholarship Name : Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship For Single Girl Child 2017-18
Applicable For : Single Girl Child (up to the age of 30 years)
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Application Last Date : 31/01/2018
Website :
Apply Online (NSP) :
Guidelines :

UGC NSP PG Indira Gandhi Scholarship

Applications are invited for Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship For Single Girl Child for year 2017-18

Related / Similar Scholarship :
UGC Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship 2019-20


The objectives of the proposed scheme are:
a) To support post graduate education of single girl child in non-professional courses only.
b) To recognize the value of observance of small family norm.

Target Group & Eligibility

Target Group

The girl students who are admitted to various non-professional PG courses in Universities / Colleges and happen to be the only girl child in the family without having any brother or the girl student who are twin daughters/ fraternal daughter may also apply for scholarship under the aforesaid scheme.


** Any single girl child of her parents. In a family if one son and one daughter is available then girl child will not be considered for scholarship under the scheme.
** The scheme is applicable to such a single girl child who has taken admission in regular, full-time 1st year Masters Degree course in any recognized university or a post graduate college.
** This scholarship is available to PG-I year student only. Admission to PG Course in Distance education mode is not covered under the scheme.

Girl students up to the age of 30 years at the time of admission in PG courses are eligible.

Nature of Assistance

Nature of Assistance available under the scheme :
** The number of slots for scholarships may be decided every year on the basis of eligible application correct in all respects, received through online mode against the advertisement to be published in National Dailies as well as on the UGC website.
** The selection would be made by the Expert committee as per the procedure of the commission.
** The result in respect of the list of selected candidates will be uploaded on the UGC website .
** Simultaneously, the award letter will also be uploaded on UGC website which may be downloaded with the respective ID generated at the time of processing of the submission of their application form through online mode.
** It is expected from the institutions where student has taken admission in the first year PG course, no tuition fees will be charged by the institute from girl students to pursue PG degree course in Universities/Colleges/Institutions covered under Sections 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Act.
** The value of Scholarship is Rs.2,000/- p.m for a period of two years only (10 months inthe year) i.e. full duration of a PG course.
** No other additional grant will be payable in lieu of hostel charges and medical charges etc.

Procedure For Monitoring

** The progress of the scholar is monitored by the head of the department. The scholar is required to submit quarterly continuation certificate dully signed by the head of the department to the designated branch of nominated bank.
** Students desirous of leaving the studies mid-way without completing post graduate degree will have to take prior approval from the UGC by submitting an application along with the justification through the concerned Universities/Colleges/Institution.
** Any student who discontinues the studies without prior approval of the UGC will have to refund the whole amount through e-mode(RTGS/NEFT) directly to UGC account.
** No extension is permissible beyond two years.
** The student who is awarded Post-Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship will not be debarred from accepting any other scholarships
** The student availing this scheme will submit a certificate/marksheet of completion of Post Graduate course dully signed by the head of the department

Cancellation of Scholarship

UGC may terminate scholarship of any student in case of :
a) Misconduct of the awardees, if any, reported by the University/College/Institution.
b) Unsatisfactory progress report i.e. if the candidate scores less than 55% marks in the first year of Master’s programme (50% in case of Physically Challenged awardee)
c) Candidates being found ineligible at a later date shall face the penal action and will also be liable to refund the entire scholarship amount paid.

Documents To Be Submitted

1. The candidate is required to submit an application only through ONLINE MODE.
2. Proof of admission to Ist Year Master’s degree course in a recognized Indian University covered under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Act.
3. A certificate from the College/University where student have taken admission to first year PG Course in the current academic year.
4. An affidavit on Rs.50/- Stamp paper from the student/parent duly attested by SDM / First Class Magistrate / Gazetted Officer (not below the rank of Tahsildar) copying the prescribed languages

View Comments (6)

  • With due respect I would like to inform you that I registered myself for PG INDIRA GANDHI SCHOLARSHIP FOR SINGLE GIRL CHILD on 02.10.2017 at 1:46 PM. for the session 2017-18 after taking admission at MIDNAPORE COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS ) affiliated to Vidyasagar University .The present status of my application is that Ministry verification has been completed and I am also selected. Now I have completed ( 4 Semesters ) P.G course on 30.06.19 and final result has been published on 17.07.19. My result is 9.25 CGPA . Bank Validation is awaited.
    Now I send my Bank details .
    Please inform me the next step and when shall I get this Scholarship ?
    With regards ,

    Yours faithfully
    Application ID : INWB1718011579916

  • My application for Indira Gandhi Single Girl Child Scholarship has been rejected at ministry level on 4/10/2018 because SINGLE GIRL CHILD declaration was not uploaded. So can I have option now to upload SINGLE GIRL CHILD CERTIFICATE. Please help me.

  • I applied for Indira Gandhi Scholarship of UGC, institute verification is completed but ministry verification is in process, when will ministry verification be completed. My application ID is INJH171811317971.

  • I completed my M.Sc this year. I applied for Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship For Single Girl Child (2016-2018). I got award letter also. I submitted my joining report, award letter, continuation reports and progress report for 2016-17 (signed by HOD/REGISTRAR of my university) to my bank branch. But they couldn't upload the documents. Till now I didn't get any fellowship. Can you please tell what I want to do for getting the fellowship. © 2022

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