WeTech Qualcomm Global Scholarship 2018 : Institute of International Education

Organisation : Institute of International Education
Scholarship Name : WeTech Qualcomm Global Scholarship 2018
Applicable For : Female University Students
Applicable Countries : India, China, Taiwan and South Korea
Application Last Date : Jan 2, 2018
Website : https://www.iie.org/Programs/WeTech/STEM-Scholarships-for-Women/Qualcomm-Global-Scholars-Program/India
Apply Online : http://sgiz.mobi/s3/ca17db2cbb39

IIE WeTech Qualcomm Global Scholarship

The WeTech Qualcomm Global Scholars Program awards scholarships to female university students in China, India, Taiwan and South Korea and matches each scholar with a mentor from a Qualcomm global or U.S. office in order to support and encourage the young women to succeed in their chosen fields.

About WeTech :
Institute of International Education(IIE) is a non-profit organization that in collaboration with governments, foundations and other sponsors, creates programs of study and training for students, educators and professionals from various sectors.

IIE’s Women Enhancing Technology Consortium(WeTech) works with a range of partners to build a healthy pipeline of girls and women in tech fields by linking them to opportunities that will inspire, engage and support them for entrance and success in high-paying tech careers.


** Monetary Support: 2000$
** 6 Month virtual Internship with a mentor from Qualcomm.


** Applicant must be female
** Applicant must be a citizen of India or South Korea
** Applicant must be able to communicate in English
** Applicant must be a current undergraduate student in her second or third year of studies at an accredited university in the participating country
** Applicant must be seeking a degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) or other STEM-related fields
** Applicant must be able to demonstrate leadership potential in their chosen field (recommendation letters will be required)
** Applicant must be willing and available to participate in a 6-month virtual mentoring program from March to August 2018

Application Process

To complete the application, you will require the following
** General Information about you
** Answers to essay questions
** Resume/CV
** University Transcripts
** Recommendations by two or more faculty members

Application Walkthrough

The WeTech scholarship application this year has 7 essay questions apart from the generic applicant info, CV, transcripts and recommendation letters. The questions are designed to understand your passion towards technology, your interests, accomplishments, leadership skills and future plans.

Here is a copy of the WeTech Scholarship application . You may use it as a workbook before filling in the actual application form. This is advised since it is easy to edit and share your application draft.


November 15, 2017 : Application opens
January 2, 2018 : Application Last Date
January 10, 2018 : Recommender Last Date
Early February 2018 : Award winners announced
March – August 2018 : 6-month virtual mentorship


If you have any questions throughout the application process, please contact us at wetechqualcomm@iie.org.

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