Planet Education Scholarship :

Organisation : Planet Education
Scholarship Name : Planet Education Scholarship
Applicable For : Open to All
Application Last Date : 22nd-23rd December 2017
Website :

Planet Education Scholarship :

** Planet Education brings Planet Education Scholarship Day event–to explore and discover the right path for you.

Related : Novus Biologicals Scholarship 2018 :

** A golden opportunity for students who wish to study in Australia in Jan-Feb 2018,the event answers all your queries on which program to choose, which university to apply to, scholarships available and your eligibility, visas, fees, loan assistance as also get a comparative analysis of courses, universities and countries from India’s leading experts in international education to help you make the right choice.

The event also offers a golden chance to obtain on-the spot offers, application – fee waiver, scholarships on the basis of merit and need for students planning to join in the Jan – Feb 2018 intake

Chandigarh :
22nd-23rd December 2017 :
Phone : +91 79 4904 1900
Time : 11am – 5pm
Address : Planet Education Office, Chandigarh

Business and Management Courses :
Learn how global business operate and equip yourself with skills to lead global business teams or even chart yourself a career as global business entrepreneur by pursuing the business and management course.

A popular choice among international students,business and management courses from top business schools and universities like Monash, University of Sydney Business School, UTS, among others help fast-track your global career.

Highlights of Planet Education Scholarship Day Event :
** The scholarship day event is a great opportunity for you to advance your ambition to study in Australia. Highlights include:

On-spot Assessment for Scholarships :
** Did you know that Australian government offers $ 200,000,000 annual government investment on international scholarships?
** Get on-spot assessment from representatives of top Australian universities and get your queries directly answered. Visit us with your following documents to help university representatives make a thorough and quick on-spot scholarship assessment.

** Degree/ Provisional degree certificate
** Mark Sheets
** IELTS/ PTE/ TOEFL score sheets
** Extra-curricular achievement certificates
** Passport Copy

Meet face-to-face with University Representatives :
** Meeting face-to-face with university representatives and reaching out to them with a meaningful conversation is critical not only because they are a first-hand source of valuable information about the program and university application procedure and even details like facilities, accommodation, teachers, infrastructure etc.,but also offers you a chance to make a great impression on the representative, who might eventually turn your advocate in admission selection meetings.

** Therefore, it’s always nice to come prepared with research and ask thoughtful questions so you can convey your determination, passion and focus in the best possible way. Moreover, by meeting universities face-to-face, you get immediate personalized responses to questions about the programs, scholarships, part-time work opportunities as also get an idea of application process rather thanrestricting yourself to online research.

Avail Scholarships ranging from AUD$5000 – $25000 :
** Scholarships can help significantly reduce the cost of studying abroad.
** The event provides you with great opportunities to meet industry experts and university representatives and learn about the various scholarships, awards and financial assistance available to eligible candidates like you based on your strong academic records, extra-curricular achievements, program and university of choice.

** The Australian government offers a large number of scholarships for deserving, exemplary students with great academic performance, wanting to study in Australia. The fair also allows you an excellent opportunity for on-spot scholarship assessment as also provide you valuable scholarship tips and advice to assist with your scholarship applications and increase your chances of receiving the scholarship.

Application Fee Waiver&FREE IELTS Registration :
** Also avail application fee waiver for eligible candidates along with FREE IELTS registration.

How to make the most of Planet Scholarship Day in Your City?
** The event will help you in decision-making if you have some groundwork ready. To get the most of this event, candidates attending Planet Education Scholarship Day event should prepare themselves by researching on the courses and universities based on their long-term career interest and goals. It’s also a great idea to list your queries around different education destinations, the courses, scholarships and admission procedures, ways to fund you’re their cost of study, etc. This will help you weigh your options and take a well-informed decision.

** Curious to know equally popular and rewarding educational destinations like USA, CANADA, Singapore and more? Our highly experienced international education experts will guide you through application procedures and invaluable details.

Why attend this event :
** Avail scholarship worth $5000 – $25000*
** Meet education experts for detailed information & on the spot assessment for scholarships
** Fly for Feb intake with ready IELTS & PTE Scores
** Students with 5.5 bands can also APPLY*
** Get Scholarships from Top 40 Universities for Engineering, IT, Business, Health Science & many more

Visit us with the following documents:
** Degree/Provision degree certificate
** Marksheets
** IELTS/PTE score sheet
** Passport copy

List of available Courses :
** MBA
** Business
** Management
** Finance and Accounting
** IT
** Computer science
** Data science
** Engineering
** Pharmacy
** Science
** Public & Health Administration
** Law
** Medicine & Nursing
** Teaching
** Art and Design
** Architecture
** Mass Communication

FAQ’s :
Is there any Last Date to apply for Scholarship ?
Scholarships are offered by universities on a first come first serve basis. Although there is no former dead line for application it is highly recommended to apply as soon as possible to increase your chances of success.

Which programs are eligible for scholarship ?
Scholarships are available for all programs ranging from engineering to management and even vocation courses.

What universities offer scholarship?
Most of the Australian Universities offer scholarships.

How do I receive the scholarship ?
The scholarship amount will be deducted from the first semester’s fee.

How many backlogs are accepted for the Scholarship ?
10 – 15

Am I eligible for a scholarship after performing well in my First semester in Australia ?
Yes. Most universities in Australia understand that owing to personal situations students may not be able to secure good scores in previous examinations. Therefore, most universities allow students the opportunity to perform in the first semester and offer scholarships accordingly. © 2022

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