Vidya Vikasa Trust Prathiba Puraskara Scholarship Bangalore

Organization : Vidya Vikasa Trust
Scholarship Name : Prathiba Puraskara Scholarship
Applicable For : Economically Backward & Meritorious Students
Trust Location : Bangalore

Website : http://vidyavikasatrust.50webs.com/scholarships.html

Prathiba Puraskara Scholarship:
Distribution of Prathiba Puraskara Scholarships to Economically Backward & meritorious students more particularly to the blind and providing books, study materials to the needy students out of the Trust fund

The Trust has created a “Scholarship Fund “A/c and the Interest realized are being utilized for Economically Backward Meritorious Blind Students. The Trust has started to award Scholarships to Blind students from (1)Karnataka Blind Students Academy Devanahalli Taluk, (2) Shree Ramana Maharshi Academy for Blind (3)National Academy for Blind not only During 2004- 2005 &2005-06 but also during 2006-07. In total so far the Trust has awarded Scholarships to 55 Visually Impaired Students.

Procedure for awarding Scholarship:
The Scholarship/Prathiba Puraskara to the students more particularly visually impaired students will be awarded out of the interest realised on the donations received from Public to those candidates who are

1.** Economically Backward
2. Meritorious.

In this scholarship fund A/c the Trust has created two categories of Scholarships viz.:
1.** Category ‘A’–Endowment Scholarship -Scholarship Distributed in a particular name as notified by the respective Donors
2.** Category ‘B’–General Scholarships.

In both the cases, the interest realised on the Donors Deposited Amount will be distributed as Scholarships to Blind Students.

The distribution of scholarship will be done after calling for applications from the visually impaired students through all leading News Papers.

(ii)Criteria for Scholarship distribution as recommended by scholarship committee:
** Merit with economical backwardness.
** Should have passed S.S.L.C examination conducted during the previous academic year, securing high percentage of Marks.
** Should continue further Studies and preferably be of young age.
** Should be preferably from rural area.

(iii)Scholarship Distribution Committee:
A Scholarship Distribution Committee will be formed every Year Under the Chairmanship of an Retired Accounts Officer preferably from Accountant General’s Office (Central Government) & he/she will be assisted by the committee Members comprising of :
** Two Donors coming under Category A & B,
** Two parents
** Two Trustees

The Trustees will only intimate the amount available for awarding Scholarships to the blind students. The decision taken by the scholarship distribution committee will be final and the Board of Trustees will have only a formal discussion/review before the implementation of awarding Scholarship to the selected candidates.

(iv)Donor’s Participation:
Friends, philanthropists, social activists and organizations have been the backbone of Vidya Vikasa Trust and its services since inception. The Trust has always valued its friends and would not have come this far but for their constant and unstinting support.

Two highest donors to the Blind Students Scholarship fund will be invited every year by the Trust Management to form a part of the Scholarship Distribution Committee and to assist the chairman of the said committee for selecting the applicants before awarding Scholarships.

Sources of Funds:
Donations in cash/cheque/Demand Draft made to Vidya Vikasa Trust are exempted under U/S 80G of I .T Act 1961 .Trust has been receiving immense support from philanthropic individuals and corporate over last five years.

Vidya Vikasa Trust has its doors open always for any assistance, be it in cash or kind, and all gestures will be remembered with gratitude.

Trust Management’s Expectation:
The trustees & teachers of Vidya Vikasa Trust (R) are of the opinion that if the student’s community & parents get maximum benefit from the trust’s activities , that itself would be students’ expression of gratitude to VIDYA VIKASA TRUST (R)

Categories Foundation/ Trust

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