EBCs Post-Matric Scholarship for Economically Backward Classes 2017-18 : MOBC Manipur

Organisation : Manipur Department of OBCs & Scheduled Castes Development
Scholarship Name : EBCs Post-Matric Scholarship for Economically Backward Classes 2017-18
Applicable For : Economically Backward Classes
Applicable State : Manipur
Application Last Date : 29th December, 2017
Website :
Notification :
Application Form :

EBCs Post-Matric Scholarship :

Issue of Forms :
** EBC Post-Matnc Scholarship, 2017-18 forms can be downloaded (to be printed on both sides of paper) from the Directorate’s website

Related / Similar Post : MOBC Manipur Post/Pre Matric Scholarship Result 2017-18

II. Submission of Forms :
** Duly filled in application forms along with relevant enclosures should positively reach the office of the undersigned on or before 29th December, 2017.

** After the stipulated date, no application form will be accepted, Scholarship forms of the EBC students reading in Manipur State should be forwarded by the Head of the Institute along with detailed list of applicant students class-wise with roll number; enrolmenUregd number and date of Council/Board/University; bans account number with IFSC & MICR codes of each student in hard copy as well as soft copy in Microsoft Excel format in CD to the undersigned within the stipulated date.

III. NB(note well) :
a) All the institutions are required to submit attested photocopy of affiliation/recognition letter/order,
b) AADHAAR Number of the applicant student is mandatory.

c) All the required documents mentioned in the application form are to be properly and securely attached.
d) This office reserves the righ: to call any onginal document or reject the application form without prior notice.

Instructions For Filling Up Of This Application Form :
1 . This form is meant only for Fresh Applicants.
2. Students having a study break of more than one year & less than three years should furnish an Affidavit/Certificate stating the reason of break in his/her academic studies.

(a) Self attested copies of Certificates, Mark Sheets, Admit Card of exam passed as at Sl. No. 4 of Part –A.

(b) Income Certificate of self (for employed)/father/mother/guardian/husband ending 31st March of the current year in original issued by the competent authorities/executive magistrates. The present income ceiling for entitlement of the scheme as prescribed by the sponsoring Ministry is Rs. 1,00,000/- per annum.

(c) Certificate in support of claim as Hosteller, issued by the warden of the hostel as at Sl. No. 3 j of Part – A (The certificate must be countersigned by the head of the institution if not run by the institution).

(e) Break Certificate, if any (as stated at Sl. No. 2 above).

(f) Self attested copy of Aadhaar Card.
(g) A copy of the first page portion of the Bank Passbook/Bank Statement wherein account number, IFSC code, etc. are visible should also be attached in the application form.

N.B. :
(i) Enclosed documents will not be returned.
(ii) The awarding authority may demand original documents for verification if required.
(iii) The Directorate will not be responsible for any loss of application form or documents.

4. Direct individual submission of this application form will not be accepted in case of students studying inside the State.
5. The last date of receipt of the Application Form in this office is 29th December, 2017. After the last date of submission of form, no form shall be accepted.
6. It will be the responsibility of the concerned institution for not awarding scholarship if forwarded this Form after the prescribed last date of submission.

7. Payment will be made electronically by transferring into the respective bank account of the applicant, so each applicant is required to open a bank account in his/her own name and should compulsorily furnish his/her bank account details neat & clearly in the annexures – I attached herewith with this form.
8. The decision of the awarding authority is final. © 2022

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