AWOO Foundation Fresh Scholarship 2017-18 :

Organisation : AWOO Foundation
Scholarship Name : Fresh Scholarship 2017-18
Application Last Date : 30th November 2017
Website :
Apply Online :
Download Application Form :

AWOO Scholarship:

Last date to submit the completed Application form and Upload scanned documents is 30th November 2017.

Update :
AWOO Foundation Fresh Scholarship Application 2018-19 :

AWOO Foundation Scholarship Renewal 2018-19 :

Please note that all compulsory fields (*) must be filled. In case of nil information for a particular field, N/A is to be written. The form is to be filled up in BLOCK CAPITALS with blue colour ball point pen. The form is to be filled up neatly without any overwriting. Use of corrective fluid (whitener) is not permitted. Filled application forms with copy of all documents required should reach the mentioned address by 30th November 2017

Total Tuition Waiver 2017-18 :
In case the student secures a university scholarship/ tuition waiver / research assistantship or any other kind of university support, the Scholarship amount shall be reduced by an equivalent amount. The student must disclose such a situation to the AWOO Scholarship Team as soon as it happens. Nondisclosure may lead to discontinuance of the scholarship.

Total Annual Expenses 2017-18 :
The Total course fee amount is the annual expenses for the academic year, excluding any caution and refundable deposits. Please check that deposits have not been included by you.

List of Documents to be attached :
1. Student’s recent passport size photograph- Mandatory document
2. Class X mark sheet- Mandatory document
3. Class XII mark sheet- Mandatory document
4. Under-Graduation/Graduation/Post Graduation mark sheets
5. Institute admission letter / application form- Mandatory document
6. Institute estimate of expenses- Mandatory document
7. Total Course fee receipt- Mandatory document
8. Proof of ranking of your Institute
9. University scholarship/ tuition waiver / research assistantship or any other kind of university support

All mandatory documents must be submitted. Absence of the same may lead to disqualification

Mail completed form with the attachments to the given address:
Emtranz Consulting
1800/2, Penha De Franca,
Nr HSG Board Colony
Alto Porvorim, Goa 403521
Ph: 0832-6452997

Guidelines for filling up the Fresh Scholarship Application form are given below:
Please ensure that all relevant details are filled correctly in the application form. Incomplete application forms will not be accepted.

The fresh application form has the following sections:
** Personal Details- information about the Student applying for the scholarship and the Parent needs to be filled in this section.
** Course details- Information about the proposed course has to be filled in this section
** Annual Expenses & Fee structure- The detailed break-up of the fee structure has to be provided- both academic fees & living expenses.
** Care has to be taken to ensure that refundable/caution deposits have not been included in the amounts filled in this section.
** Students’ Academic Record- Details of the Student’s qualifications, Institute studied in & Grades have to be provided here. Please provide details of your all your qualifications here

** Each of the sections detailed above, will appear as a separate screen.
** Once you complete the section, you have the option to continue to the next section clicking on ‘Continue’ or you have the option to ‘Save as Draft’ and return later to complete the form
** If you chose to ‘Save as Draft’, you can login and complete the form later using the Login button on the homepage.
** The Students email id and date of birth will be needed to authenticate and access the application form.
** When you login, you will be taken to a dashboard which will indicate the sections which need completion
** After filling up all the relevant details in the form, please click on Preview. This will show you a preview of your details as filled in application form.
** Check all filled details on the Preview screen. While previewing your form, if you wish to change any of the details, click on Back to Edit and change your details.
** If you have filled all details completely, click on Submit.
** You can also print a copy for your records before you submit the application.
** Once you submit the completed form online, an email will be sent to the parent & student asking you to login using the Students email id and date of birth and upload all the supporting documents in order to complete your application
** . Please ensure all the relevant enclosures are scanned, and uploaded. All documents mentioned below are mandatory documents.

Your application will not be processed in case any of these are missing:
** Photograph
** Class X mark sheet
** Class XII mark sheet
** Mark sheets of all your previous years/semesters incase you are applying for either 1st, 2nd 3rd of 4th year of a Graduate course, or your Graduation mark sheet incase you are applying for a Post Graduate course
** Institute admission letter
** Institute estimate of expenses for the year 2017-18
** Total course fee receipts for 2017-18

** Please ensure that the scanned documents are legible. In case you have multiple documents to upload, then please zip & upload a zipped file.
** The file size under each header should not exceed 5MB.
** Last date for submitting Fresh Applications and supporting documents is November 30th , 2017.
** In case of any queries, write to
** The scholars for the year 2017-18 will be announced by February 2018.

If you face any Technical difficulties filling the form, please contact the Worli Data Centre (our technical helpdesk) Email:, Phone number: 022-24995372

If you need any support or clarifications to fill up the form, please write to

If you are unable to complete the form and need to exit midway then please save as draft and login using the Students/Applicant’s email id & date of birth to complete from where you left off. © 2022

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