Bharathidasan University 2017 URF University Research Fellowship :

Organisation : Bharathidasan University, Department of Marine Science
Scholarship Name : URF University Research Fellowship 2017
Application Last Date : 17.10.2017
Website :
Notification :

University Research Fellowship :

Applications are invited to fill up four vacancies of University Research Fellowship (URF) leading to Ph.D. program in the Department of Marine Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024.

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Name of the Post : University Research Fellow
No of fellowship : Four
Category : OC – 1; BC – 1; MBC – 1; SC/ST – 1.
Duration : Three years
Fellowship per month : Rs. 5,000/-

All the interested candidates can send their application to the Head, Department of Marine Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024 on or before 17.10.2017

1. Application along with photo copy of certificates on academic qualifications.
2. Registration fee of Rs.300 (for SC/ST- Rs.100) as DD in favor of Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024.
3. A detailed CV along with contact details like E-mail ID & Mobile Number.

Interview date will be communicated later.

Contact details:
Dr. R. Arthur James,
Assistant Professor and Head,
Department of Marine Science,
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620024.

Phone: 0431- 2407111

About Research, Consultancy and Extension :
The research profile of the faculty is quite impressive. Many of the faculty members received prestigious awards and prizes and recognition.

Four of the senior faculty members (Prof.P.K.Ponnusamy, Prof.C.Thangamuthu, Prof. S.M. Ramasamy and Prof. R. Karpaga Kumaravel became Vice-chancellors of reputed state/central universities in Tamilnadu.

Awards and recognition received during the last 5 years:
1. Goyal Prize (Physics).
2. Fellow of Royal Society of Physics.
3. Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (FTWAS) (Physics)
4. AC. Banerjee Memorial Lecture Award of National Academy of Sciences (Physics)
5. Senior Associateship in a reputed Research Institute in Italy (Physics).
6. Fellow of Indian Academy of Science (Chemistry).
7. UGC-Career award (Chemistry).
8. CRSI Lecture Award (Chemistry)
9. Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry.
10. Chairmen and Members of various evaluation, monitoring, advisory and selection committees of scientific agencies such as UGC, CSIR, DST, DBT etc. (Physics and Chemistry)
11. Membership in Referee Panel and Editorial Boards of reputed international journals (Physics and Chemistry).
12. Visiting fellowships in reputed research institutes in abroad (most of the Science Departments).
13. Young Scientist Award (Physics, Marine Science, Life Sciences)
14. Tamilnadu Scientist Award (TANSA) (Physics, Chemistry, Plant Science, Animal Science, Environmental Science, Sociology)
15. Brahmaiah Sastri Memorial Award (2009) (Biotechnology)
16. Hiyoshi Environmental Award (Environmental Biotechnology)
17. INSA – Young scientist Medal (Physics and Microbiology)
18. Sahitya Akadami Award (Languages)
19. All India Literary Translation Award (English) Bharat Jyothi Award (English)
20. Rashtriya Vidya Saraswati Puraskar Award (by the International Institute of Education and Management, New Delhi) (Commerce)

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