NIT Trichy Bharti Foundation Scholarship :

Organisation : NITT NIT Trichy
Scholarship Name : Bharti Foundation Scholarship
Applicable For : ECE UG Students
Website :
Application Form
Terms & Conditions :

Bharti Scholarship :

Bharti Foundation was established in the year 2000, with the vision ‘To help underprivileged children and young people of our country realise their potential.’ Bharti Foundation’s mission is to create and support programs that bring about sustainable changes through education, use of technology, and information & best practices sharing.

Related : NIT Trichy RECAL Foundation 2017 Common Scholarship Application :

Bharti Foundation has set itself the goals of improving accessibility and quality of education at the school level for underprivileged children, and to provide education and training opportunities to youth.

Under its school-level programs, Bharti Foundation has been focusing on improving the learning levels of children. It has programs in the areas of computers in education, library and reading programs, mid-day meals, among other initiatives.

For youth, in addition to supporting institutes of higher education, Bharti Foundation has set up a Bharti Scholarship Scheme and has also been encouraging entrepreneurship. It has instituted awards and fellowships to motivate young people in achieving their potential.

Terms and Conditions:
(Partner Institute may decide to share all/ relevant sections of the document with the students)

1. Selection Criteria of Scholars:
1.1 Should be an Indian citizen.
1.2 Should wish to pursue undergraduate engineering degree in Electronics and Communication Engg
1.3 Should be a regular student of the Institute
1.4 Girl-students and disabled students are encouraged to apply
1.5 Scholarship is offered on merit-cum-means basis

2. Post-Selection Requirements:
2.1 The scholar is required to provide bank details to Bharti Foundation immediately after being awarded Bharti Scholarship.
2.2 The scholarship installment cheque will be in the name of the scholar, but will be handed over to the Institute to be handed over to the scholar.
2.3 The scholar is required to send a confirmation letter to Bharti Foundation acknowledging the receipt of scholarship cheque within 10 days after its receipt.

3. Release of Installments:
3.1 The scholarship amount will be disbursed to the scholar at the beginning of every semester.
3.2 Bharti scholar needs to send a request letter within 15 days after the announcement of the result, giving details of his/her academic achievements in the last academic year and letter of recommendation from the head of the Institute (as per the given format). Subsequent installments for scholarship will be disbursed to the scholar based on the following criteria.
** Scholarship should be recommended by the head of Institute
** Scholar should have secured CGPA not less than 7.0 points, for both UG and PG courses
** Scholar should have an attendance record of at least 80% of academic days attended
3.3 In case there is a change in the course fee/ hostel fee by the Institute, it should be communicated to Bharti Foundation by a letter from the Institute. Bharti Foundation may consider changing the scholarship amount, subject to the maximum limit of Rs 50,000/- p.a, based on actuals.

4. Reasons of Disqualification:
4.1 A change of stream after allotment of the scholarship
4.2 Non-performance or dropping out

5. End of Scholarship Period:
Bharti Foundation team will conduct an ‘End of Scholarship’ interview with the scholars and take annual feedback from the professor-in-charge of Bharti Scholarship Scheme deputed by Partner Institute in order to assess the impact of the scheme.

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