FAER McAfee Scholar Awards 2017-18 : Foundation For Advancement For Education & Research

Organisation : Foundation For Advancement For Education & Research (FAER)
Scholarship Name : FAER McAfee Scholar Awards 2017-18
Application Last Date : 30th October 2017
Website : http://www.faer.ac.in/1718-faer-mcafee-scholar-awards
Scholarship Rules : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/18531-awards.pdf

FAER McAfee Scholar Awards :

We are conducting the FAER scholar program to select and award “scholars” status to meritorious students from engineering colleges based on a project work with a rigorous three stage selection process referred and conducted by experts in the areas of

Update : FAER McAfee Scholar Program 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/28063.html

(1) Computer Science, (2) Mobile Communications, (3) Renewable Energy Systems, (4) Signal Processing, (5) Rural Technologies, (6) Healthcare Technologies, (7) Labour Saving Technologies for Women, (8) Ecology and Environment, (9) Mobile Applications.

Objective  :
The objective of the FAER scholar program is to encourage creativity and innovation amongst the students in polytechnics and engineering institutions across India particularly those in rural and semi-urban areas making them to think and prepare detailed project proposals on areas and topics of relevance related to rural areas, rural communications, agricultural information systems, e-Governance, resource utilization, ecology, watershed development, renewable resources etc.,

Prize Amount :
First Prize : Rs. 100,000/- (Rs. 80,000 for the students team and Rs. 20,000 for the project guide)
First Prize : Rs. 75,000/- (Rs. 60,000 for the students team and Rs. 15,000 for the project guide)
First Prize : Rs. 50,000/- (Rs. 40,000 for the students team and Rs. 10,000 for the project guide)

Rules :
1. Bonafide students doing B.E. in recognized institutions are eligible to participate in this contest.

2. Some of the related subtopics are:
** Computer Science and Information Technology
** Communications technologies and concepts (digital, optical, wireless, satellite etc.)
** Power and Energy Systems
** Signal Processing
** Applications

Innovative applications of systems for problems related to rural areas and disadvantaged people – health, education, renewable energy, labour saving technologies, rural technologies, etc.

3. The project proposals submitted by participants should pertain to any of the above topics or related areas. It should discuss the merits of the topic chosen. It should deal with new ideas / experiments / devices; innovation and details of implementation as well as its impacts on society
4. The project team (batch) can have upto a maximum of four students.
5. The team should submit a letter from the principal of their institution stating that they are bonafide students of the institution studying for the degree in the final year.
6. The team should submit the project proposal in the prescribed form signed by their project advisor and principal

Selection Process:
Stage 1 :
FAER will receive project proposals from students in engineering colleges, screen them with the help of experts and select projects for funding. An amount up to a maximum of Rs. 5,000/- will be reimbursed to each project team after completion of their project.

Stage 2 :
Selection of “FAER -McAfee Scholars” based on the evaluation of the completed projects through a Seminar-cum-Exhibition and best projects will be awarded with Cash Prize and Certificates in FAER – McAfee Scholar Awards Presentation Function.

Dates to Remember :
Last date for receipt of hardcopy of the proposals for projects. Please send softcopy of the proposal by 30th October 2017. Email: office@faer.ac.in

Project Approvals by FAER. 20th January 2018. The proposals duly certified by the project guide and Principal should reach the address mentioned below on or before 30th October 2017.

Foundation for Advancement of Education and Research
G5, Swiss Complex, 33,
Race Course Road, Bengaluru – 560001

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