FIT India 2018 Uma Sathnur Scholarship Scheme :

Organisation : Foundation For International Taxation (FIT)
Scholarship Name : Uma Sathnur FIT Scholarship Scheme 2018
Application Last Date : 30th November 2017
Website :
Scheme Details :

FIT Scholarship Scheme :

“Our Scholarship has been renamed Uma Sathnur – FIT Scholarship in memory of our Executive Secretary who passed away in the Himalayan floods in June 2013”.

Update : FIT India Uma Sathnur Scholarship Scheme 2019 :

Our annual conference is well established over the years and has now become a truly international event with delegates from around the world. The conference is run by the Foundation for International Taxation (FIT), which is a not-for-profit educational charitable foundation registered in India to promote the knowledge and practice of international taxation.

In 2011, we started our high level specialist courses in international taxation in India. In February 2011, we ran our first e-training course using video training facilities with professors from the prestigious Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law in Vienna

We also received an offer from them for us to launch a scholarship scheme for one Indian student selected by us for admission to their “one year” LLM Program in International Taxation.

This Institute is one of the few leading centres for advance learning of international taxation in the world and the entry to their one-year programme is highly competitive. The course is a very intensive course and lasts for nine to ten months (September to June) in Vienna, Austria.

The Foundation launched its “FIT Scholarship Scheme “in 2011. Under this scheme the Foundation will select an Indian national every year as a “FIT Scholar” through a competitive public search and pay the annual tuition fees of the Institute for one year (approximately EUR 14,000 or approx. Rs 11,00,000) as a scholarship to the selected candidate.

The scheme is open to all Indians without any discrimination and will be based purely on merit and the ability to handle successfully the high standards and intensive pressure of the one-year Masters programme in Vienna. Besides the guaranteed admission and the annual tuition fee, the Foundation is unable to fund or reimburse any travel or stay expenses.

The minimum academic and professional requirement of the Institute is a high class university degree in India or abroad with preferably a professional qualification and at least three years’ experience in international taxation in industry, profession or public service. Without a professional qualification, at least five years’ experience is required.

Under our arrangement with the Vienna Institute, the Foundation is required to provide the name and details of the selected candidate for 2018 by the end of February 2018 to them. FIT has formed a special committee to invite applications and make a selection.

If you (or any one you know) are interested, please send your application by an email to Ms. Anjali Advani (Co-ordinator), Foundation for International Taxation (email: marked “Uma Sathnur – FIT Scholarship 2018”.

The application should provide us with sufficient (but brief) details covering academic qualifications and professional experience. In addition, we require the applicant to provide us a one-page write-up giving personal reasons that would assist us in this selection. The application should reach us as soon as possible but not later than November 30, 2017.

As we are offering only one scholarship at this stage, the selection process is quite competitive. Depending on the response, we may require the short-listed candidates to write an essay on an international taxation issue to assist us further in the selection process.

Moreover, depending on the success of this scheme, we plan to negotiate additional placements in other leading international institutions in future. Our scheme also provided us with an opportunity to recommend other unsuccessful applicants to leading overseas institutions in international taxation

Course Duration & Venue:
** 10 months (September to June )
** Venue: Vienna, Austria

Minimum Requirements : Academic and Professional
** High class university degree in India or abroad with preferably a professional qualification
** At least 3 years’ experience in International Taxation or 5 or more years professional experience
** The applicant should provide sufficient (in brief) details covering academic qualifications and professional experience.
** One page write-up giving personal reasons to help FIT in selection

Last Date for Filing of Application : 30th November 2017

Send your request marked “Uma Sathnur – FIT Scholarship 2018” to:
Ms. Anjali Advani (Co-ordinator)
Foundation for International Taxation
622, Maker Chambers V,
6th Floor,
221 Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400 021, India.
Email Id: © 2022

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